Anticlimatic bday

After the wild football game it can’t be expected for my birthday to compare. I felt like I was in a haze all day from the limited sleep. After going to bed at 4am I was awakened at 8:15 by the dog crying. I got up and let her out and never went back to bed. I spent the morning blogging the game and ripping off the pics from it. AT 11:30 I left to do some stuff. First I hit the gym, I got the idea to do 3 miles on the treadmill for my bday. I haven’t run that far in ages. I managed to do it, barely. My heartrate was in the 170’s at the end. Next was the mall.

I had a few people to buy for but had no general idea of what to get. So I wandered around the mall looking for inspiration. I found 3 small things. Next a “quick” stop at the bank drive thru. For some reason with only 2 cars in front of me it took 20 minutes to get to the window. Incredibly slow. My last stop was the dreaded post office to mail some stuff for Ali. I figured, mid afternoon on a weekday would be a safe time to go. Wrong. Line to the door, an hour wait. They are soooo slow. Hate going there. Oh well worst was behind me, time to drive home. Bang, the road to my house is blocked, traffic at a dead stop. Evidently there was an accident. I do a u-turn and have to backtrack to another route to get home. What I thought would be 2 or 3 hours out turned out to be 6.

My birthday dinner was eggplant parmigiana from Sam’s. Ali asked if I wanted to go out for my dinner or have her make a cake but I just wasn’t into it. After dinner I opened up my stuff. The one cool part of living away from home is all of your presents are delivered to your door. I scored some cool stuff including one of those RC helicopters we have all been getting spam about, a new volleyball, the Hulk DVD, an XBox game and a new electric razor. Great gifts.

Not a memorable birthday but once you get to be this age you don’t expect them to be. My bro, sis and dad called me and wished me well. Dad was exceptionally chatty and once again spoke about bringing down his motorcycle to Florida so he could give it to me. Personally I think he’s crazy to go 1200 miles on a motorcycle but if he wants to have the adventure, good for him. If he does bring the cycle down it will live a very protected life, it would see very limited and cautious use by me. I’m old enough now to know that mom wasn’t kidding about motorcycles being dangerous. Helmets aren’t required in Florida but you won’t catch me on a motorcycle without one.

Just call me Mr 36