Tivo hacking, New Years, Year recap

In yet another chapter in my attempt to further my geek career I did some additonal modifications to my Tivo last night. I can now telnet to it, ftp to it as well as control it via a web browser. In the Tivo hacking community these tricks are very tame in comparison to some of the things that can be done but for me, it was cool just the same. Now if I forgot to set the Tivo up to grab something I can hop on a web browser anywhere and set it up. Very cool, at least to me it is. 🙂

We have no big New Year’s plans. As of now we are planning to hit one or two of the local firework shows that are going on. Alison and I were trying to remember if they ever did fireworks at New Year back home. The only time we could remember it happening was for the bicenquinquangenary thing (spelling). Down here they have them every year. We should be back home in time to see good ole Dick drop the ball.

New Years is the time for resolutions, reflections and lamenting the passing of another year faster than the last. Oh wait maybe the lamenting part is just something I do. 2003 was an up and down year for me, here are the noteables.

2003 Highlights

Carnival Cruise
Addition of Nicki to our family
Green Bay Trip
Miami / Eagles game
Getting Mom moved down from PA
Finally getting braces

2003 Lowlights

Buick blaze
Pottstown Rumble Cancellation
Ball Hog Rainout
Eagles NFC Championship Loss
Sentra 2003 purchase fiasco
Another year older

We knocked out a number of major home improvements this past year. The big ones included installing gutters around the entire house, getting the storage shed, having the driveway concreted, tiling various areas inside the house and completing the landscaping around the pool as well as a couple dozen other smaller projects.

I never really proclaim official resolutions for the new year but if I had to make a short list for next year it would include:

Be in better shape than the previous year (eternal resolution)
Find a way to allow Alison to quit the job she hates and work part time from home
Be less busy with home projects and enjoy more of what our area has to enjoy
Be happy

2004 could be a big year of change and hopefully for the better. Happy New Year everyone.