Weak, fox
My gym performance in recent weeks has been pretty anemic. I judge my entire physical strength on only one thing, bench press. I am a good 20lbs off my max of a few months ago. I am not sure if it has been my juggling of gym routines, my summertime vball schedule or just a cyclical thing that I feel off right now. It’s frustrating.
We had a new wildlife sighting this morning out at our place. Nicki was looking out the back door growling. I figured one of those bastard rabbits was sitting out there. To my surprise it was a baby fox. It was just standing about 10 feet outside the lanai, staring at me. It was very cute and no bigger than a small dog. By the time I got Ali up to show her, Nicki’s barking had scared the fox farther into the backyard so Ali couldn’t get a very good look. I heard there are a few bears out my way as well. Maybe that is next.