Weekend finale
Sunday and Monday were rather lowkey with me basically getting stuff done around the house and keeping the dog busy. On Monday I wanted to mow the ENTIRE property. I noticed immediately that the mower deck was vibrating abnormally and that it was cutting low on that side. The last time I replaced the blades I noticed a stress crack on that side so I figured it was worsening. However that didn’t stop me as I mowed down the back of the property, loud noise and all. Just as I finished the back and was ready to do the area around the house it let loose with a loud bang! The metal in the mower housing simply snapped. I wasn’t happy but wasn’t surprised it happened as I knew it would sooner or later. I did some research on the net about replacement costs for the mower deck. 300 bucks plus is what I came back with, ouch. So I did some more searching. I found a guy in Tampa, via ebay, selling a brand new model for around 700 bucks. Then through a series of contacts with the seller I negotiated a deal where I would give him my old tractor in trade and get the new mower and a pull behind aerator and a hitch sleeve for $425. It really works out well, since I will be spending only 100 more than what a new mower deck would have cost and I don’t have to go through the bother of trying to sell the old tractor myself. Plus I get an aerator which normally will cost another 100 bucks itself. The only downside is the 3 hour drive up and back to Tampa to get my new tractor.
Since my grass cutting project was abrubtly cut short, I volunteered to go over to Mom’s to help her plant a couple things. While I was there I fixed a few other things that were amiss so Mom was happy.
I watched Rocky II again on Monday. It still gets me going, it’s such a great movie. No Jack sightings or incidents this weekend.
The headlines down here are all about a former school board chairman who was being indicted for molesting a 12 year old boy. He blew his brains out today. As sterile and pleasant as the elderly residents around here try to keep the community, it’s impossible to keep the ugliness of the real world totally out of view.