All Star game
Even though I hardly follow baseball at all anymore besides following the Phillies scores, I decided to tune into the All-Star game. I only made it to the 3rd inning or so. A few brief observations. Fantasia’s rendition of the National Anthem wasn’t great and it was made worse by the fact that she messed up a few words. Come on, if you are going to sing the national anthem in front of a nationwide audience, LEARN THE WORDS.
They pushed out Muhammad Ali to be involved in the first pitch ceremony. It literally made me cringe. Why do they do this to the guy? He has non-stop severe tremors that just are so disturbing to watch. To see a man that was such a master quick wit be relinquished to being a silent, shaking figurehead really bothers me. I love Ali, that is why it hurts so bad to see what has happened to him.
When they announced the rosters I knew maybe a third of the all stars. Years ago I would known every single player on every team. It just doesn’t hold my interest anymore. I got to see the first inning slaughter of Clemens. It was unfortunate that what may be his last All-Star game went down like that. He looked real bad. It was very ironic to see him throwing to Piazza as the catcher, since Piazza basically hates Clemens and vice versa.
The most exciting moment of what I saw was during pregame when the middle aged fat guy was able to throw 5 balls through a hole in 30 seconds to win a million bucks. Number 5 bounced through the hole just as time expired.
Ali comes back from her conference tonight. It will be good to have her back. The dog has been moping around the house ever since she left.