Dog emergency, kind of., holding out hope
I serve 2 basic functions for Nicki. I am her protector when she finds herself in a situation she finds scary and I am her entertainment when she wants to roughhouse and play. Well last night we were playing, she was rolling around, trying to tackle me and use my arm as human chew toy. She was sprinting around and made a sharp cut and all of a sudden started crying in pain and pulled up her one back leg and couldn’t walk on it. She managed to get up on the sofa but was still wailing in pain. Ali and I immediately feared the worse, did she break it, tear something, screw up her hip? We sat with her for a few minutes and she stopped crying but was still holding the leg up and didn’t want it to be moved in certain directions. We decided to take her to the emergency Vet (the same ones that wanted to charge me my first born to treat the diabetic cat) So Ali called them to tell them we were coming in. Of course the first thing out of their mouth is “…minimum 69 dollar charge…” By the time we were ready to go, Nicki was again walking on the affected leg. She was favoring it a bit but could walk and was able to jump up into the car herself. By the time we got her to the vet it was hard to tell there was anything wrong with her at all. But we were committed at this point and Ali wanted to make SURE she was ok. So we spent about an hours time and 89 bucks for Nicki to have her heart rate taken, a thermometer stuck up her ass, have the vet move her leg around and give her a shot of some anti-inflammatory stuff. He couldn’t really detect exactly what happened, just that whatever it was it couldn’t have been too bad if she was almost back to normal already. I guess it was better to be safe than sorry. I felt bad that she hurt herself while playing with me. You always hear stories about how couples with no kids almost literally view their dog as their kid, we are definitely a prime example. Alison loves this dog like she gave birth to it. I don’t think I am to that degree but it is hard to imagine that I actually wanted to turn her back in in the beginning. I was wrong on that one.
When I was up in PA for the Rumble, they had a raffle to win a new Geo Tracker, 5 bucks a ticket. I felt lucky so I bought one. The drawing was July 5th. I am still holding on to the ticket for some reason just in case they haven’t gotten around to calling me yet. Silly.
You are clearly mental….and dull. My day is as boring as it can be and then I read this drivel….dull beyond words. The dof hurt it’s paw and suddenly you want to transfer human qualities to it….if you had a kid and it licked it’s privates and dragged it’s nekked raw ass across the carpet, then….wait I bet if you had off-spring they would do that stuff. So my original point still stands, you are mental and you own a defective dog. Put it down and just do your best at keeping the gold fish alive. Between that and pissin off the neighbors I’d say you have about all you can handle.