Invisalign punt, wet, tractor toodleloo?
Well I went back to the ortho today. As I expected, they decided we needed to redo the aligners. So what that meant was I had to endure them popping off the metal button that was attached, grinding off the 8 attachments I had to various teeth with a drill and then having reproximation done on about a half dozen different spots. Needless to say it wasn’t an enjoyable experience. This redo will retard my treatment at least another month and a half. Invisalign definitely has overpromised and undelivered so far for both myself and Alison.
I placed an ad in the paper to sell the Murray and was excited to get two calls on it already. I am heading home at lunch to show it to one and possibly both of the guys that called. That would be sweet to unload it right away. It also would be nice to get what I asked for it to help take the sting out of buying the Cub Cadet.
The rain this week has been pretty nasty. I bought a pump to move some of the standing water to the back of our property. Everytime it makes headway it pours again and I am back to walking through a lake. I think in the past week or so we may have gotten close to a foot of a rain. Tomorrow I play volleyball on the east coast so I am hoping the rain will hold off. Otherwise it could make for a miserable tourney.
In a related story, I still have been on the case with determining the source of the trunk leak in the Sentra and I think I finally am getting somewhere. After various experiments I think I have determined that the leak actually isn’t the trunk but in the rear wheel well. I left it out in pouring rain and the trunk stayed dry. I drove on wet roads and the water appeared. So I have to locate the exact spot where it is leaking and then return it to the dealer for them to fix it and replace my warped trunk floor. Nothing like doing the mechanics job for him.