Weekend plans
Very simple, I don’t have anything really planned besides house/yard/maintenance work. I’ve already prepared my list and am ready to rip into the tasks asap so I can get it all done, allowing me to devote serious time towards finishing DOOM 3. It’s driving me crazy.
Last night while I was playing, the doorbell rang. It was some kid selling stuff for school. My first inclination was to blow him off when he said he was selling magazines, since I don’t have time to read the ones I already receive. However then he added “and candles”. So I grabbed the catalog and asked him if he wanted to come in while we quick looked at it since the mosquitos were attacking me through the small space I had the door open. He said he was sprayed down so they weren’t attacking him and he would just wait outside. Smart I guess, never know if we were crazy killers. So Ali picked out a candle she liked and I went outside to tell him what we were ordering. I had to give him a check on the spot so I had Ali hand out the checkbook. The mosquitos welcomed me outside by attacking me mercilessly. It was very difficult to try to swat them off as I was trying to fill out the order form and write the check. The kid was polite and patient as I hurriedly tried to complete the transaction so I could get back inside. He thanked me as I ran back inside to have ALi give me a pat down to make sure no blood suckers camped out on me after I went in. It was the first time we had a kid come to the door selling stuff in the 3 + years we have been out there. I hope our name doesn’t get on some list now. In the middle of the night Ali heard the mosquito control plane buzzing our house. It’a about f’ing time, I emailed their office the other day complaining that we pay for mosquito control in our taxes but have not gotten sprayed once this year. We have had standing water for over a month so even with the spraying, the mosquito population has such a headstart I doubt it will help all that much.
I watched the Eagles preseason game last night. I don’t have a great feeling yet. It looks like a lot of the same issues they had last year are still there like not being able to stop the run and Donovan still being inaccurate. I know it is only the preseason so you certainly can’t make firm judgements but in the past, bad preseason performances by the Eagles have rolled into bad regular season starts. It felt weird seeing Duce in a Steelers uniform. It was cool the fans gave him a warm welcome.