Again, great tv, box

Last night as we were watching the Contender on Tivo, we saw Buttons come out of the one bedroom, she was meowing loudly which is something she normally does before she is about to vomit, great. She had vomited earlier in the day as we came home to several piles throughout the house. Well evidently she threw up enough that there wasn’t enough food in her to counteract the insulin shot she got earlier in the day. The meowing continued and Ali noticed that she was having trouble walking, the warning sign that a low blood sugar episode was oncoming. So we sprang into action. We take the cat into the bathroom and bring in the honey. Ali starts squirting honey into the cat’s mouth. A third went into the cat, a third went onto the cat, and the rest of it went on the floor. Soon we had a hairy, sticky mess on the floor. We decided the mess would be easier to manage if we just put her in the tub. She continued to meow, stagger and pant. Ali kept giving her shots of honey to get some sugar into her. This episode wasn’t as severe as some of the others where she lost control of her bodily functions and basically went blind. We give her less insulin now so it helped to keep the disaster level down. When she stopped panting we turned on the shower and gave her a quick mini-shower to get the honey out of her fur. Then we put her in the laundry room with her food and litter box to let her recover. Ali put in a plate of tuna with honey on it for her. By the time we got to bed she was still shaky but stable. Various times during this ordeal I reiterated how my dislike of cats grows daily. (I used to love them) I am real ready for them to move on to the litter box in the sky.

This morning when I got up I checked on her and she was better. She was weak but responsive. She was eating her food so that was a good sign. After I did my normal litter box duties, I went into the office to woof down my breakfast and was greeted by 2 huge piles of barfed up tuna on the floor. Evidently the other cat, Spook, inhaled the tuna (it didn’t even look chewed) and then proceeded to power vomit. I went on a mini-rant, telling Ali that death for the cats should be a viable option. Even though she is as annoyed by them as I am, she doesn’t agree with my ideas on how to solve the problem. I am so, so, sick of cats.

Like I said, last night we were watching the Contender, the best reality show on TV that noone is watching. It is such good stuff. Every single fight has been good and the stories that have been developing are equally good. Take an hour on Sunday nights at 8 and check out an episode.

I think this will be my first out of box experience. I was afraid to even go to the site because that would mean I was making the mental commitment to do it. The idea of stepping out of a plane at 13,000 feet is daunting but compelling at the same time. Someday within the next few months I will make the jump.