Powerhouse report, 2nd language
I am going to try to stay positive about Powerhouse so I am going to report the good things I experienced my 1st time back there. They have better barbell neck pads than JFZ does and I got to pick up an 85 pound dumbell for the first time in over two years. That’s it.
When you become a veteran in WoW you learn a second language. That language is filled with bad grammar and acronyms. If I said to you “LF1M ZF, have healer, need TANK, CAN SUMMON PST”, you would have no idea what the hell I was talking about. However to the WoW faithful it is easy to see that there is a group of people going to the Zul Furak instance (a level 43-50 instance) in Tanaris on the western continent of Kalimdor. Of the 5 spots they have in their group, four are filled and they have either a priest, paladin or druid as a healing character. They need one more person to fill the group and it needs to be (in order of preference) a warrior, a feral druid or a paladin. They have a warlock in the group that can summon you directly to the instance to avoid the travel time to get there. If you fit that description, please send a whipser to the person posting the want ad. Simple stuff……