Archives April 2007

No time

I don’t have time for a regular entry even though I have lots to say.  Cliff notes version:

Got second in the vball tourney (very surprising) and came out of it hurting but not wrecked (more surprising) I should be able to give it another go.

Watched a movie, had a strange dream and various other thoughts danced through my increasingly confused mind. 

Did the 300 workout today even though I had two noisy knees, tired legs and aching shoulders.

I may not get a full entry in until mid-week.  Crazy busy right now.

Bye bye Sprint (Embarq), 300less, swan song?

My home number finally swapped over to Vonage yesterday.  That means I was finally able to sever the cord from Sprint (now known as Embarq)  It feels good.  Ever since I moved to Florida, Sprint local telephone service has been a thorn in my side.  It’s nice to not be financially contributing to their ineptitude any more.  Now instead of an answering machine we have voice mail for our home number.  If we get a message it gets emailed to us as a wav file which we can retrieve  and listen to wirelessly on our Treo’s, ultra-geek.

Since I am playing volleyball tomorrow I decided it would be wise to not do a 300 workout the day before.  I am a bit bummed about missing a day, especially since I am only two reps away from 200.  Hopefully I won’t be too beat up to resume on Monday.

I am both excited and apprehensive about returning to the volleyball court.  I really enjoy playing, I enjoy the people that play, enjoy competing and enjoy the whole feel of a tournament. I don’t enjoy getting hurt.  I am crossing my fingers that whatever has been nagging me deep inside my knees has healed.  Unlike the last time I played months ago, I haven’t been running to pile on the wear and tear.  This will be the first tournament I have played since last June in the Rumble, 10 months, wow.   Of course I have no false expectations of me playing anywhere near well.  This is more of a science experiment to see if I am physically able to get through a tournament at this point. 

The days of me staking my short term emotional happiness on the result of that weekend’s volleyball tournament are long gone.  Playing volleyball used to be a big part of how I defined myself.  From my late 20’s to early 30’s it was probably the primary focus in my life.  Even though I was never a great player, I took it seriously.

  I remember the one summer, Rich and I were on a tear.  I think during that stretch we lost only a handful of games while winning 30 or more.  We always clicked together well, but that year we clicked like never before.  Rich was a perfect compliment to me as a player.  I was more of the one dimensional player that tried to hit and serve hard.  Rich was more well rounded plus had the ability to scramble and chase down balls like few others.  The fact that we were both lefties used to confuse a lot of opponents.  However probably the best part of our time playing together was the time off the court when we would just be observing, joking and making nicknames for the other players on the court.  Our years of playing also resulted in a huge list of satirical volleyball “tips” that would make even a person that never played the game laugh. Since Rich stopped playing I have tried to keep adding to the nickname and tips list, but my heart just isn’t into it. It’s not the same.

Oh well, the point of this long diatribe is this weekend may be finally closing the book on 15 years of volleyball memories or perhaps extending it for just a little longer.

I had yet another big virtual achievement.  When they released the expansion pack to WoW, they raised the maximum level a player could reach from 60 to 70.  Well I got my first character to 70 earlier in the week.  Reaching 70 allows you to buy a new form of transportation, a FLYING mount.  Up until 70 you are relegated to only flying on locked in, pre-defined routes between different areas in the game.  But now you can fly anywhere, well anywhere in the expansion areas.  You can not fly in the original areas of WoW, which sucks.

   Well the ability to fly is definitely cool.  It allows you to reach areas that would be impossible otherwise.  Plus you have the advantage of straight line travel between points instead of having to follow twisting roads while avoiding bad guys.  Right now I only have the standard flying mount which is rather slow.  There is a super fast model that costs about 6000 gold.  In real world terms, compare it to saving for a Hyundai versus a Ferrari.  It takes a long time to amass 6000 gold. I’m working on it though.  I have been leveling various characters simultaneously so I should have two more level 70 characters shortly.  Impressive, huh?

Another line for the resume, heartless?

You can add appliance repairman to my credentials for the resume.  The parts arrived on schedule yesterday.  Installation of the hi-temp thermostat and thermal fuse required a bit of dexterity but wasn’t too challenging.  I was nervous that I would get them installed, run the dryer and have them pop again right away.  I ran the dryer through about an hour and a half of testing and it seemed to be ok.  Mission accomplished.

Last night was the American Idol Gives Back two hour extravaganza.  They loosely rolled a results show into a two hour telethon that was focused on helping needy children in both the US and Africa.  The show featured a bunch of celebrities speaking, dancing and singing.  Let me first comment on the acts that I didn’t fast forward through.

El Divo.  This is a group of four guys that Simon Cowell supposedly scoured the globe looking for.  To me, they may be the most over-hyped group I have ever seen.  It’s almost people treat them as though they are elite singers because Simon thinks they are.  To me, using Simon’s words, they are rubbish.  Don’t get me wrong, they are entertaining to watch, not because I enjoy their singing, I enjoy the lunacy of their performances.  The funniest guy is the oldest one that has eyebrows that he can’t keep still.  His performance is so over the top it is ridiculous.  He loves himself very much.  Normally when you hear El Divo sing they are doing it in some foreign language.  For some reason this is supposed to add to their hipness factor.  Last night they actually sung in English. However, even though it was in my native language, I had a hell of a time making out what they were singing.  I think they suck, plain and simple.  Ali agrees.

I saw Kelly Clarkson for the first time in a long time.  The last time I saw her she seemed to be embracing her fame and as a result had started shaping up and was sporting a modern, hot hair style.  Last night she looked to have reverted to her roots.  She colored her hair mud brown and looked like she may be bigger than when we first were introduced to her during her Idol run. Too bad.  She still is a great singer.

The “television history” as they described it of Celine Dion performing with Elvis was incredibly moronic.  Yay, we saw this stuff in Forrest Gump, it’s not cool anymore. 

Most of the other performers we FF’d through.  The producers did a nice job of yanking our chain about a shocking result which they lead everyone to believe was the ousting of the best contestant left, Jordin Sparks.  The trick was on us though, they decided to not let anyone go this week.  Those rascals.

Ok so now let’s get to the reason for the show, the charity work.  The show was jammed full of video montage after video montage of children both home and abroad in horrible living conditions.  They basically featured, Katrina victims, redneck children from Kentucky (an odd choice) and kids in Africa. (biggest share)  As I saw scene after scene of the people in Africa living in filth, disease and desperation, of course my initial reaction is to feel bad for these children, they are the innocent victims of their parents ignorance.  You want to help them.

But then there is the logical, cold side of me.  I actually paused the show to talk to Ali about it.  At what point do we allow nature to take it’s course?  Aids is rampant in Africa.  The reason aids is rampant in Africa is because the people reproduce like animals, engaging in unprotected sex.  Ali said to me that is because they are uneducated and do not understand the repercussions of their actions.  I asked her if I was supposed to believe that the people in Africa do not know that they are dying of aids?  It isn’t like AIDS is some unknown secret, it has been around for almost 25 years, a full generation of Africans have come and gone in that time period.  Yet, ignorance is still the culprit? Either these people are incredibly ignorant or they just don’t care and choose to continue on their self destructive path.

It just doesn’t register with me.   If this collection of people are unable to comprehend the end result of reckless sexual activity then how are we supposed to save them?  Is it just nature thinning the herd?  Maybe it is.  There are woefully inadequate resources there to support the population.  Even with the huge human loss in Africa and disasters elsewhere in the world, as a whole, world population is exploding.  Something has got to give. 

I tried to run scenarios through my head.  How do you feel for a lifetime smoker that develops lung cancer?  Of course you feel bad for them for the suffering they endure but you certainly don’t think they didn’t map their own path to their demise.   Same goes for obese people that struggle with health issues, you made your bed, sleep in it.  Now of course these kids don’t have a choice in the matter, however it is these same kids that grow up and repeat the same behavior, continuing the suffering. 

Maybe I am just being too analytical about it.  I just can’t get past the idea that unless these people are willing to help themselves first (by not f’ing like rabbits) all we will ever be able to do is put a small band aid on a huge gushing wound. 


I get a lot of emails forwarded to me.  Most of them are lucky to get three seconds of attention before they meet DELETE key heaven.  However I actually looked this one over.  Evidently it was something Andy Rooney said during his commentary recently.  I have to say I agree with the vast majority of it. Although I would argue a few things.

  I have no issues with gays and could care less about the use of God on our money even if I don’t follow those idealogies.  Guns don’t make you a killer but they sure make it easier and more convenient to do so.  I don’t hate rich people but I sure think a lot of them are assholes.   

 Here ya go (so you don’t have to forward it)

I don’t think being a minority makes you a victim of anything except numbers. The only things I can think of that are truly discriminatory are things like the United Negro College Fund, Jet Magazine, Black Entertainment Television, and Miss Black America. Try to have things like the UnitedCaucasianCollege Fund, Cloud Magazine, White Entertainment Television, or Miss White America; and see what happens…Jesse Jackson will be knocking down your door.

Guns do not make you a killer. I think killing makes you a killer. You can kill someone with a baseball bat or a car, but no one is trying to ban you from driving to the ball game.

I believe they are called the Boy Scouts for a reason, that is why there are no girls allowed. Girls belong in the Girl Scouts! ARE YOU LISTENING MARTHA BURKE?

I think that if you feel homosexuality is wrong, it is not a phobia, it is an opinion.

I have the right “NOT” to be tolerant of others because they are different, weird, or tick me off.

When 70% of the people who get arrested are black, in cities where 70% of the population is black, that is not racial profiling, it is the Law of Probability.

I believe that if you are selling me a milkshake, a pack of cigarettes, a newspaper or a hotel room, you must do it in English! As a matter of fact, if you want to be an American citizen, you should have to speak English!

My father and grandfather didn’t die in vain so you can leave the countries you were born in to come over and disrespect ours.

I think the police should have every right to shoot your sorry ass if you threaten them after they tell you to stop. If you can’t understand the word “freeze” or “stop” in English, see the above lines.

I don’t think just because you were not born in this country, you are qualified for any special loan programs, government sponsored bank loans or tax breaks, etc., so you can open a hotel, coffee shop, trinket store, or any other business.

We did not go to the aid of certain foreign countries and risk our lives in wars to defend their freedoms, so that decades later they could come over here and tell us our constitution is a living document; and open to their interpretations.

I don’t hate the rich I don’t pity the poor.

I know pro wrestling is fake, but so are movies and television. That doesn’t stop you from watching them.

I think Bill Gates has every right to keep every penny he made and continue to make more. If it ticks you off, go and invent the next operating system that’s better, and put your name on the building.

It doesn’t take a whole village to raise a child right, but it does take a parent to stand up to the kid; and smack their little behinds when necessary, and say “NO!”

I think tattoos and piercing are fine if you want them, but please don’t pretend they are a political statement. And, please, stay home until that new lip ring heals. I don’t want to look at your ugly infected mouth as you serve me French fries!

I am sick of “Political Correctness.” I know a lot of black people, and not a single one of them was born in Africa ; so how can they be “African-Americans”? Besides, Africa is a continent. I don’t go around saying I am a European-American because my great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather was from Europe . I am proud to be from America and nowhere else

And if you don’t like my point of view, tough…


I was asked to send this on if I agree or delete if I don’t. It is said that 86% of Americans believe in God. Therefore I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a problem in having “In God We Trust” on our money and having “God” in the Pledge of Allegiance. Why don’t we just tell the 14% to Shut Up and BE QUIET!!!

Nothin much on my plate

The only thing I can think to comment on is the reality tv we watched last night.  Heather Mills got kicked off Dancing with the Stars.  I was fine with her going.  She had something about her that rubbed me the wrong way.  Maybe it is the underlying resentment about her raping Paul McCartney financially in the divorce settlement.  Her appearance was odd.  It had nothing to do with the leg.  Sometimes she would look attractive, but more often she looked haggish.  I have no idea how old she is.  Very few of the costumes she wore were flattering.

Of the final 6 singers left in American Idol, there are 3 that I think are real good and 3 that aren’t.  Phil, Chris and Lakisha should be the next to go in my opinion.  Lakisha has an attitude like she is now a diva which is ridiculous.  There are a boat load of big black female singers with big voices out there, we don’t need another.  Chris is a poor man’s Justin Timberlake, don’t need that either.  Phil is just too damn geeky with that big bald head.  He looks like he is 40.

Melinda, Blake and Jordin are my top 3.  Melinda is just a great singer although she doesn’t really have the persona or image that one would think a winner should have.  Blake is very unique and has great style but I don’t think he is a good enough singer to carry it to the end. Ali doesn’t like the shape of his mouth.  Jordin is my pick to win it all.  With a few packets of slimfast she would be the total package and she is only 17 so the best is yet to come.  I am pretty sure even if she doesn’t win it all, she will be the one to emerge as the most successful out of this cast.

The dryer parts are supposed to arrive today.  I am crossing my fingers this fixes the problem.  Yesterday we got two drip bottle things that we stuck into each of the big planters out front.  They release water slowly over time to keep pots from drying out.  So far the big flower pots have been doing great and we want to keep it that way.

Ali made some rice pudding from scratch on Sunday.  It turned out much better than I expected.

Ali received a post card from some national health care place that is looking for dietitians.  It had a bunch of locations where they were looking for people, two that caught my eye were California and Idaho, believe it or not.  I said something to Ali last week how I wouldn’t be against using some of our massive amount of timeshare points to go see some remote state like Idaho or Montana.  Living in a sparsely populated area holds a degree of appeal to me.  The older I get, the more I get sick of traffic, strip malls and hordes of people.  What a change of life that would be.   If we sold our place here we surely could live like kings in an area like that.  Not that it would happen anytime soon but it definitely is a thought that is rolling around my head.  There are many issues in our area, mostly tied to it’s popularity and location, that really bug me at times.  Hey wait, it gets cold in Idaho doesn’t it….


Finally Heroes is back on the air.  I don’t know what the deal is with TV shows nowadays.  They put these huge gaps in the middle of the season with no new shows for some reason.  It sucks.  Anyway, the show last night was great as always.  My complaint is the same one as always, the show is just too damn short.  There are sooooo many commercials jammed in there it is ridiculous.  I bet the one hour show has 35 minutes of actual content.  It’s awesome now because we are deep enough into the story that we see super powers being used on a regular basis.

I committed to play volleyball this weekend with Randall.  It will pretty much decide how what is left of my volleyball career will go.  If once again, after months of time off, I immediately have a recurrence of knee issues then that will probably be about all she wrote.  No Rumble and no aspirations for playing competitively in the future.  If I get through the day relatively unscathed then playing the Rumble in June becomes a possibility even though I still may bow out.  The cycle of injury is just getting too damn frustrating to continue.  


I entered week 4 of the 300 workout.  Today I finally plateaued with the pull ups, only managing 18 again, same as Friday. I should have squeaked out a 12th pull up on my last set but didn’t.  I am only 2 reps away from 200, a big accomplishment for me.  I actually am considering playing volleyball this weekend with Randall.  My thinking is if my knees are holding up to this, jumping in soft sand should be a walk in the park, right?

I got a comment in my blog over the weekend to the post I made months ago regarding those pieces of shit, .  Evidently this guy found my site through the wonders of search engines.  Evidently, he too has been shafted by these assholes.  His comments sounded very similar to mine, big promises with zero results. Yes I still have not had ONE inquiry from their worthless service.  Anyway, unlike myself whom threatened to contact the better business bureau, media outlets and whomever else to make these bastards pay for their deception, this guy supposedly is really doing it.  Good for him.  My effort went as far as emailing the consumer fraud person at the local tv station but I never heard back from them and I dropped it from my active annoyance list since then.  I would however be happy to detail my experience for anyone that would want to know.

 I went through a lengthy email barrage with these jerks which ended after I sent this, the guy refused to respond to me afterward.

Perhaps your memory is not serving you well. I will repeat. Your sales person indicated the property would “absolutely rent” within two weeks.  This same sales person is no longer with your company and is in fact selling his BS for another rip off organization similar to yours.  

It’s good to know that you have no issues with deception and lies being used to convince people to sign on for your worthless service.  I have contacted other people that have listed on your site and have heard similar stories of discontent, lies and exaggerations coming from your sales staff.  

All of this information is being included in what I am forwarding to the appropriate agencies.  I may be out the money I gave to your company but I will do my best that more people do not get pulled in to your scheme. 

His reply: (I left all of his contact information in there just for fun!)

This is the end of any such correspondence… if you want changes to your ad, I am happy to oblige!… I will no longer discuss the issue of a refund with you!Kevin White
Consumer Analyst
Timeshares By Owner
(888)707-8463 ext 117
(407)396-6252 ext 117
E mail: [email protected]

Food, Fights, Firewall, F’d and more I can’t remember

Wow for whatever reason, this weekend seemed like it had a ton of shit packed into it.  There were a couple real good blog thoughts I had over the weekend that I can’t for the life of me remember right this second. Let’s starts with some pictures, everyone likes pictures.

This is a picture of the palm tree off the corner of our pool cage.  We grew this from a coconut.

Here is a cute picture of Nicki and Buttons napping in close proximity.

I laid out the workload for the weekend to be split between both days.  Normally I wouldn’t prefer this, I’d much rather knock it all out at once.  However we made plans to go out to a place we had a coupon for out of the entertainment book and we invited my mom to come with.  We were going to pick her up a little after 5 so it would have made it tough to get everything finished.

By the time Ali got out of bed and we started on the kitchen it was maybe 10 or so.  The kitchen cleaning didn’t go too bad.  After the initial cleaning last year, everything else should pale in comparison since only a year has passed instead of 5 years.  We pulled stuff out of the cabinets, cleaned and sorted.  We had a big pile of pots and pans that we threw in the trunk of the Camry so my mom could see if she needed any of it.  The cleaning was pretty thorough.  I even climbed a ladder and pulled down the cover off the big fluorescent light in the kitchen so we could clean the bugs and dust out of it, something that has never been done.  We took a break for lunch and then finished up by around 2:30 or so.

We had a couple hours to kill.  I jumped on WoW for a bit while Ali did whatever.  Then somewhere around 3:30 Ali said to me “Oh I forgot to tell you, the dryer won’t turn on”  I thought this was an odd thing to forget to tell me.  When she said it, I thought back to Friday night when I smelled something hot in the utility room.  So I hoped that it was as simple, of course it wasn’t. (oh I just remembered one of those forgotten blog topics)  So I opened and closed the door a few times, pushed the timer on a few times hoping I could pull a Fonzie and have it magically start up. No dice.

Now if this was 15 years ago I would have found the manual like I did this time and would have thumbed through it looking for troubleshooting info, which there was minimal amounts of.  For my symptoms the advice was “make sure the door is closed” and “check the circuit breaker box”.  Beyond that the advice was to call for service.  15 years ago that is probably what I would have done.  However with the internet, almost any individual can almost instantly find information to do almost anything themselves, from diagnosing a health problem , to making a bomb and even fixing your dryer.  So after a bit of digging I had the basic direction I needed to pop the dryer apart and be able to diagnose the problem, all before I had to get ready to pick up my mom.  It appears the thermal fuse blew.  When that blows they recommend you also replace some sort hi-temp thermostat thing which I located as well.  Besides dropping one of the screws into the dryer, the disassembly went fine.  I figured after dinner we could stop at Home Depot, surely they would have these components.  So anyway, my point is, the internet is cool and makes all of us seem much smarter than we really are.

So quickly I showered and got ready to go.  The restaurant we were going to was called Noodles.  Mom had heard some good things about it ahead of time from a co-worker.  Our early arrival translated into lots of free seating which was nice.  The restaurant was very hip and trendy with very modern decorations.  It seemed very nice.  After a short while our waiter David arrived.  He did what a lot of places do , wrote his name on a napkin and sat it on the table.  He was polite but extremely dry, as interesting as toilet paper. He gave us our menus and headed off.

The menu selection seemed good however Ali saw that they actually had bread dipping sauce as an item you paid for.  That was sort of cheesy but oh well. After a rather long wait, David comes back and takes our orders.  Being the man, I order last and ask for the Chicken Marsala.  After an awkward pause and strange look, David asks me if he can make a recommendation.  Puzzled, I say, “Ok…”  He said that it is unusual to say this, but he did not recommend the chicken marsala.  He said that he has had a number of people complain about it in the 4 months he has been there.  The complaint was it was “bland”.  I thought it was quite odd for the waiter to tell me this, however, I followed his recommendation and ordered Chicken & Broccoli instead. “Ah, a good choice..” he said with approval.  After he walked away, the three of us all said that was very strange.  However Mom and Ali said it was good that he told me that so I wouldn’t be disappointed.  It was the last positive thing that would be said about David the rest of the night.

When Ali ordered her dish, she asked if they could put artichokes in it.  David said he wasn’t sure but he would ask.  Um, ok..  A few minutes later he came back and said they could put artichokes in it, he just wanted to let us know it would be an extra $1.50.  Um, ok, fine.  Again another cheesy move in my book.  I don’t enjoy being nickled and dimed at a restaurant. 

In between the time where our order was taken and the food arrived, David wasn’t very attentive.  I ordered a refill on my diet pepsi (which I am sure I paid for) which took a very long time to come out.  David also didn’t care to ask my Mom or Ali if they wanted refills on their empty wine glasses.  The situation was made worse by the sounds of David socializing with some of the people in another booth.  For some reason he was guy friendly with them and Mr Snooze with us. Whatever.

Mom had ordered mussels as an appetizer, again based on a recommendation.  She wasn’t impressed, she didn’t like them very much, especially the sauce they were swimming in.  I tried one and had no desire to grab another.  The meals arrived and although all of us had pretty different entree’s, none of us particularly liked any of them.  Again mom didn’t like the sauce and Ali and my meal were both very bland, just like the chicken marsala I was advised to not get.  Ali’s food was so bland that she actually salted it, something she rarely does.

After not seeing him for a good 15-20 minutes (other guys served the food), David came back to ask how things were.  Instead of making a scene and telling him the food wasn’t good, we all just said it was fine.  At that time he was fishing for a bigger bill and asked us about deserts and made some more “recommendations”.  We told him we would think about while he boxed up our leftovers.

Well it was already a bad experience, none of us really liked the restaurant but now it was about to become worse.  Ali said something about how we could walk to Baskin Robbins and get ice cream which drew eye rolls from me immediately, it’s a reflex reaction.  Well for whatever reason, Ali decided this was the proper time and place to take me to task for my viewpoints about eating.  She started making smart ass comments about how she wasn’t going to get desert because she knew I didn’t want her to.  My anger started at a simmer and by the end it was boiling.  She was making it sound like I lock her in a cell and shove bread and water under the door once a day.  It was ridiculous.  The fact that she was doing it in front of my mom, in a restaurant, made it worse.  It was extremely awkward.

Then, my mom piles on.  She started in about how strict I was about eating.  It was now a tag team against me.  I tried to remain as calm as I could.  Ali was firing off sarcastic barbs while my lifetime smoker mom was telling me how it was somehow bad to eat healthy.  Just as the last exchange was fired, David returned.  I flipped the switch and said very calmly “Um no, we decided to not have desert…”  It was crazy. 

Before David brought the check he told us about the comment card he was going to bring and how he would like us to fill out, yea sure David, glad to.  The rest of the time at the restaurant was very uncomfortable.  Mom and Ali had conversations that I didn’t even listen to.  I was too busy trying to bring down my blood pressure.  Mom felt bad as she knew I was pissed off by my short answers peppered into generous amounts of silence. 

David brings the bill and comment card.  It was like 75 bucks for the three of us before the 10 dollar discount.  It certainly wasn’t worth it.  I could have a much better time and much better food at Carraba’s for the three of us for 25 dollars less. The comment card was open ended, not one of those things where they give you categories and you rate them 1 to 5 or whatever.  All it had was a space for your name, email address and comments.  I left the top portion blank and entered a short comment. “The entire experience was exceptionally average…”  I thought it made the point.  I don’t anticipate frequenting Noodles again.

So before the meal I told mom we wanted to stop at Bed Bath & Beyond and Home Depot afterwards.  I was obviously still angry but did my best to not focus on it.  Mom had never been to Bed Bath & Beyond before so we took the time to walk the store so she could look around.  She insisted on buying us some super duper rug cleaning stuff to help in my battle against pet excrement.  I also bought some sort of fancy comb thing that is supposed to really help with animal shedding.

I was disappointed to find that Home Depot didn’t have any appliance repair parts.  I asked the guy in the appliance section if they had any.  He flat out said no and gave me a card with a number I could call to order parts.  I didn’t believe him and spent 15 minutes combing through the electrical aisle anyway, sure that they had to have these things. Nope.

I asked mom if she minded if we stopped at Lowe’s quickly as well.  Again I struck out, no parts.  We did however pick up a couple “Knockout Roses”, a variety that is supposedly extremely hardy and disease resistant that we saw on a gardening show we watch.  We dropped off mom a little before 9.  Again she said she was sorry for the argument but I dismissed it as just one of those nights. 

Originally I had planned to just freak out once we dropped mom off but enough time had passed that my anger was down to a dull ache and instead of dredging it up again and starting the cycle over I just shut up about it.  What was the point? It would accomplish nothing. 

Saturday night had another fight on the schedule anyway, the UFC was doing a free pay per view from England,   three hour party of violence.    I started watching it but was too tired to get very far.  The headliner fight was Mirka Cro Cop against some guy I never heard of before.  I planned to watch the rest of it on Sunday.

I finally got the old Tivo out of our bedroom.  I was waiting for Ali to give me the all clear, meaning she watched anything she wanted on it.  Her only complaint was there was an episode of Will and Grace on there she wished she could keep.  Being the people pleasing person that I am, I tried to satisfy the request.  Tivo 2’s can easily transfer between them.  The original Tivo’s do not support it.  So what I wound up doing was configure the new Tivo to think it had a satellite box on one of the inputs and then connected the old Tivo to that input.  Then I told the new tivo to tape a program off the “satellite” and played Will and Grace instead.  It was a rig job but it worked.  The only downside is the Will and Grace episode now lives on our Tivo 2 under some spanish title, the name of the show the tivo thought it was taping off satellite, oh well you can’t have everything.

Sunday morning was outside work day.  Again we started around 10.  I cut down the rest of the tree/shrubs growing out in the pit, Ali planted the two roses, I went around with dirt and filled in around any sprinkler heads that were protruding so they would be flush, I sprayed the orchard and garden with an oil to fight insects and then took the weed whacker around while Ali mowed on the tractor.  Thanks to the sprinklers, our landscape is looking better than it ever has in April.  Normally it is a brown, dead wasteland this time of year. (the end of dry season)

I was really hoping to score the dryer parts on Saturday night so I could fix it on Sunday.  Instead I went online and ordered the parts.  They should be here Tuesday or Wednesday.  The parts were only 25 bucks but I paid an additional 20 bucks for expedited shipping, oh well.  It still is way less than I would have paid a repairman to do it.

The rest of Sunday was pretty laid back.  It was beautiful so we had the slider to the pool way open.  I played some WoW, Ali read.  Instead of having Ali cook we ordered pizza.  While we ate it we watched another movie I have had on my pc for awhile, Firewall.  It is a movie where Harrison Ford is a high ranking IT executive for a bank.  It was good, better than I anticipated.  Even though Harrison is light years removed from his days as Han Solo or Indiana Jones, he still holds up well in action flicks.  The movie was very entertaining.  It would give it a B+.  I wondered why I waited so long to see it.

Later that night I finished up my UFC viewing.  The headliner match was shocking.  Cro Cop is known as being one of the world’s best strikers.  He has legs the size of tree trunks and punishes the hell out of people with kicks.  The guy he was fighting I never heard of before or seen fight.  Supposedly he had a 3-0 record in the UFC.  He was primarily a grappler guy.  Well the fight started and Cro Cop got one hard kick in before he was taken to the ground.  Once he was there he could not do a whole lot and was being pretty much controlled by this guy, eating enough elbows and punches that you knew this guy was for real. 

The only reason Cro Cop got back on his feet was because Herb Dean stood them up.  There was a little bit of time left in the round.  To this point the new guy definitely had won the round.  Then all of a sudden the guy throws up a right kick that hits Cro Cop on the side of the head.  He drops like a sack of lead, his entire body went limp.  The way he landed, his right leg and ankle was pinned grotesquely under him, it looked hideous.  It was a scary scene, you literally had to worry for his life.  Cro Cop was a huge favorite going in, for him to be knocked out like that was shocking.  He was on the ground for a long time but eventually came to and actually walked out of the ring on his own legs, which is amazing.  The way his leg was bent, I was sure he had to tear up stuff in multiple joints.  I felt bad for the guy. 

This morning I got up and after doing my normal routine, pulled back the blinds on the slider to take Nicki out. I was startled to see the image of our little, cherub faced, vomiting, ass dragging across the carpet little feline, Buttons, meowing frantically from the other side.  Evidently she ventured outside on Sunday and got locked out without our knowledge.  When we are getting ready for bed, Buttons location is not on our mind.  It was chilly outside, 60 according to the thermometer, but she seemed to be no worse for wear.  She scampered in and headed right for the utility room where the food and litter box is located.  It was funny.  I wonder what she did all night?

Squeaking it out

Episode 6 of the 300 workout went down today.  The good news is I crossed the 190 total rep line, scratching out 191.  The bad news is I am hitting a plateau of just how many reps I can do of certain exercises.  The idea that every few days I can increase my number of reps on each exercise is fading fast.  My 18th pull up today was more like a half pull up.  To hit my 46 push ups and 23 box jumps I had to take mini-breaks towards the end of each set to take a breath to finish up.  I was looking at my platform for my box jumps, thinking to myself “Damn this thing looks high, it has to be more than 24 inches”  so I walked over to the counter and asked the owner if he had a tape measure, which he did.  I walked back into my little room and measured the height, expecting it to come in anywhere between 24 and 28 inches.  My mouth almost dropped open when I read 20 1/2, the step is actually 3 and a half inches short of “official” height.  Damn that was a bit of a bummer.  here I thought I was actually going above the bar on that exercise. 

  I finally hit 20 reps of the floor wipers.  Even though I try to eat my lunch early, a full hour before I hit the gym, every time I do the floor wipers I feel sick to my stomach.  By the time I hit 20 my hands, wrists and chest is starting to burn from holding the 135 pounds above me.  How a guy does 50 of these things is beyond me.  Anyway , I survived…