I’m glad Friday is here. With work being as hectic it has recently, weekends are even more appreciated than normal. This weekend we are going to be taking my mom out for dinner for her birthday. Her birthday is actually today, happy birthday mom! I know my mom is much like me when it comes to a severe dislike for the unavoidable process of getting older. It’s funny how the 20 year and one month age difference between her and I seemed like centuries as I was growing up. Now it seems much, much smaller. The age difference between her and I is shorter than the amount of time I have been out of high school.
Speaking of time flying, in a month we will be leaving for Vegas! Sheesh, that means that Christmas is a heartbeat after that. My sister and brother-in-law were nice enough to hook us up with tickets to see the Blue Man group while we are out there. I’ve done absolutely zero Christmas prep so far.
The other night I tipped the scales at 179. I now weigh the same or slightly less than I did my freshman year (3 months really) of college. I think dropping the 15-20 pounds I had when I was pumped on creatine is a good thing for my body overall. I know my knees have felt much better in recent months. I may be fighting an unwinnable game against the clock but at least I can go down swinging.