
I had been looking forward to watching the new Terminator series on tv as I am a big fan of the movies.  I finally got to see the first episode on Tivo last night.  I like it.  At first I was sort of leery of the idea of the “good” terminator being a high school age girl but it worked.  I found the show very entertaining.  It has movie style special effects which may not bode well for it’s long term survivability.  The production costs on the show have to be very high so unless it really rakes in the ratings it won’t stay around long.  Oh well I will enjoy it while I can.

I got the first laptop for the chip timing system I will be implementing for the running club.  I went with Lenovo laptops.  Lenovo is that Chinese company that bought out IBM’s pc line.  I was always a big fan of IBM Thinkpads.  The price on these was good and the specs seemed right.  For $630 I got a 15.5 inch screen, Core 2 Duo processor, 100 gig hard drive, a gig of ram, DVD burner, bluetooth, wi-fi, fingerprint scanner, hardware security chip, and a built in camera.  I fired it up last night and played with it a bit.  It definitely offers a good value for the money.  We will be keeping all the equipment at our place so as a perk for doing this system I have 3 laptops to play with as I see fit.

Last night I was playing a bit of WoW.  I was playing my paladin, just doing quests, minding my own business.  Well along come two horde players about my same level and decided to attack and kill me for no reason.  Well sometimes I let these unprovoked attacks go without retribution but last night I wasn’t in the mood for their bullshit.  So I log on my level 70 hunter, find the two worms and kill them both easily as they ran for their lives.  Of course after their death I stood over their bodies and laughed at them.