Zapper, Survivor

I used some of the fund from selling the Sony laptop to get a couple things for the Wii, a Wii Zapper and Resident Evil 4.  The Wii Zapper is a plastic “gun” that you mount the Wii controllers into to make shooting games more realistic.  Resident Evil is the first “dark” game I have bought for the Wii.  Everything so far has been light and juvenile.  Resident Evil is far from light and cheery as you can get.  In the game it’s you against the zombies.  Either blow their heads off or they eat you.  I didn’t get a chance to try either thing yet.

The new season of Survivor kicked off last night.  The twist this year is it is fan favorites against super fans of the show, sort of a spin off of the all star survivor they did a few years ago.  The FAVORITES team is a bit of a disappointment.  There are some people on there that were not notable at all.  There were some people that I was glad to see like Yau Man and James the Grave Digger. Ironically, one of the biggest names on the favorites team, that little dork Johnny Fairplay basically asked to be voted out at the first tribal council.  His teammates obliged.  I think the show will be decent. 

I have a lot of stuff planned for the weekend.  I want to buy a bunch of landscape timbers and start work on replacing the rotted out sections of our borders.  We have cleaning to do, we are doing our Sunday run to prep for the 5k the following weekend, and I would like to get out to see Rambo as well.

Mitt Romney dropped out of the race, leaving John McCain as THE nominee for the republicans.  I seems to me that McCain is now trying to be all things to all people, and in the process losing credibility with me.  He is bought and paid for.