Almost a decade ago

Almost 10 years ago (1999) Rich and I battled through some unbelievable situations/conditions to win the BB division of the Pottstown Rumble.  Eh lowly BB you say? Well it’s more impressive than you would think.

BB has the most teams of any division at the Rumble.  When we won it there were over 120 teams.  Plus there is tons of sandbagging at the tourney.  Many players will drop down a level from where they normally play.  Rich and I surely took out many normal A players along the way.   And the conditions were bizarre, half of our semi-final game was played in almost complete darkness and then the last part was played under the lights. 

Our finals win was the most satisfying of my sports career, covering any and all sports I ever played.  We beat two cocky young kids.  We didn’t just beat them, we embarrassed them.  The one kid got so pissed he threw two or three temper tantrums.  I couldn’t have written a better script myself.  Will this year be another fairytale finish?  It’s hard to imagine I could catch lightning in a bottle again but ya never know.

Look at the pics from the 99 Rumble here.  You can read my recap on the big win here. This was before I cut my blogging teeth…