Pissed at paypal, America’s got Talent
First thing yesterday morning I received an email from paypal regarding my claim I have opened against the ass hard drive seller on ebay. I had been patiently waiting for them to refund my money after I provided them the tracking information that verified the seller received the defective drive. Well you can imagine my reaction when I read the email which says that Paypal has closed my case because the tracking information I provided was invalid! I was furious! I felt like getting on the phone at 6 am and calling them up but I waited until I got to the office.
I kept my temper in check as I spoke to the Paypal representative, Reed. I explained the background of the situation and how the tracking information I provided was indeed VALID. Reed looked at the case information and then verified himself that the tracking info was accurate. He said he did not know why the case would have been closed. He reopened the case and sent it back into the pipeline with notes that the tracking was accurate. So hopefully, eventually I will get my $65 refunded to my account. I have been patiently waiting for this moment to come so I can send off one last “F U” email to the asshole seller.
During the trip back from PA we watched one episode of America’s Got Talent at the hotel. That may be the most overproduced show I have ever seen. I am surprised that Simon Cowell, who is the executive producer, would let the show air in it’s current format. It’s a reality talent show, it should be pretty easy to shoot. Show the acts and then show the judges commenting on it afterward. Instead they pollute your eyes with CONSTANT cut away reaction shots when the performances are going on. It is f’ing maddening! A shot of the audience, a shot of Sharon Osbourne, back to the audience, a brief shot of the performance, then to David Hasselhoff and Piers, it is ridiculous. I understand that it is highly rated for a summer show. I’m not quite sure how. The acts are entertaining enough but the way they handle the editing of the show is horrible enough to make me never want to watch it again.
Awhile back Nicki had her annual check up and during it her blood work showed her triglyceride levels were high. Of course this scared Ali. We have been trying to change the type of treats she has been getting so she gets more dehydrated chicken breast and less of the sort of treats that are akin to doggy oreos. Well Ali took her back in again on Monday for a follow up blood test. This time it was a fasting test. She got the call from the vet that said the levels were very high, almost four times what they should be. Of course that set off a four alarm fire under Ali’s butt. Don’t get me wrong, I’m concerned as well but Ali was really crazy about it. She called me on the phone yesterday and said she might start hand preparing the dog’s meals instead of buying dog food. I of course immediately reacted negatively to that idea, knowing that a solution like that would very quickly become incredibly impractical and expensive.
Normally the culprit of high triglyceride levels is excessive fat in the diet. I said I figured the expensive Merrick wet food that we give her is good nutritionally. It’s more or less human food in a can. Ali did a bunch of research and found that possibly the culprit is the dry dog food that we mix in with her can of wet food when we make her dinner. It had a surprisingly high amount of fat in it. So Ali is going to the store today to get some supplements to add to Nicki’s diet like niacin and an omega 3. We are going to leave the dry food out of her diet as well. After following this revised diet for a month or two Nicki will be back at the vet to get her numbers run once again. We certainly don’t want our furry kid to run into health issues unnecessarily.
The first weekend of August my sister AND brother are going to be visiting simultaneously. It promises to be an exciting few days having the original Duffey clan in Florida simultaneously. My sister, her husband and my one niece is going to be staying with my mom, my bro and other niece will be staying with us. Originally mom had ideas of everyone jamming under her roof but I think that would have panned out to be more hassle than it’s worth. I took off from work the entire time they will be here so I would be available for whatever comes up. I’m sure it will be a lot of fun.