Garden renovation
So I stopped at Home Depot and grabbed the composite lumber last night. Like I mentioned it is very expensive, for 72 feet of it I dropped $180. I got six 12 foot boards. A Tacoma is not really a great choice in transporting something of that length, half of the planks were hanging out the back. I did my best to secure them in place with my bungee collection. I even tied a red bag to the end of one of them as a safety precaution, too bad it blew off within the first 5 miles of the drive home. I drove cautiously on the way back, making sure to accelerate slowly and take any turns with the utmost care. I made it home with everything intact.
After I ate supper I decided to go outside and start demo work on the old garden border. As I was undoing the bungees I had a close call. I unhooked one of them and before I knew it the bungee snapped around the boards and the hook hit me right above my left eye. An inch or two lower and it could have done some serious damage. Ripping apart the old border was pretty easy. Much of the wood was rotted so it simply broke apart as I pried on it. The pieces that did not fall apart got knocked apart easily with the sledge hammer. Instead of trying to yank the old pieces of rebar out of the dirt I just pounded them deeper below ground level. I threw the old wood into the back of the truck and then threw it into the ditch next to our property line for it to continue to decay.
I had Ali come out to help my eyeball how the new garden border will be situated. The new garden will be 50% bigger than what we had in place. I am going to have to do a lot of shovel work digging up the grass that occupies the space where the expanded garden will reside. It’s going to be bust ass, sweaty work but hopefully the end result is worth it. We are somewhat limited on how far over we can go with the garden due to sprinkler lines.
Besides the garden work we will have our normal weekly chores to address. I’m not sure what else the weekend will hold. Maybe a movie, who knows. There are a number of movies that are out that I would like to see like Hulk, Wanted, Hancock and Batman. Unfortunately Ali has indicated she has little interest in seeing any of these movies.
Remember how I mentioned that Ali said something about cooking all of Nicki’s meals and how crazy of an idea it was? Well she spent much of her day on Wednesday doing just that. She went to the store and bought a number of items and cooked them all up. Then she documented the ingredients in the various varieties of dog food we give Nicki. Based on that list she mixed up combinations of rice and vegetables to be added to each can of dog food. She put each portion in it’s own container, put a yellow sticky on it indicating which type of dog food it is designed for and put them in the freezer. Then as we prepare Nicki’s supper we are supposed to pull out the home made portion for the next day’s meal and put it in the fridge to thaw. No, I am not kidding. Hey if Ali wants to go through all that trouble more power to her, I’m just not doing it. The biggest negative for me is our fridge has more food in it for the dog than us. Space is rather tight.
Sir Randall
I saw Hancock and thought it was good.