Add a ball

If you find yourself getting bored with jumping up on to a box step endless times I suggest you try this variation that I saw another guy at the gym do.  You grab a 15 pound medicine ball and hold it in front of you.  As you jump you don’t want to swing the ball, try to keep it as stationary as possible.  This addition of a ball makes the move tougher on several levels.  Of course it is harder to jump while holding an extra 15 pounds.  Keeping the ball still makes it harder yet so you are unable to use your arms to generate any upward momentum.  I did two sets of 15 last Friday and that was quite enough.

Ali sent me this the other day – – I always love the jibjab stuff, they are so well done.

I was chatting to Jeremy yesterday, expressing my continued desire to take the motorcycle safety course.  He surprised me by saying he had taken the course and it was good.  He further surprised me by revealing he has had a BMW 1100 CC bike for several years!  I had no idea he had a bike.  He used it for the majority of his commuting for a good stint but recently it hasn’t seen much use.  The revelation took me by surprise for some reason.

 Ali comes back home today.  She is driving across the state this morning and then going right to work.  She is excited to get home again.