Ali told me that she heard that “Joe”, a resident at her facility recently died. It made me a bit sad. When Ali and I were carpooling every day I would pick her up daily. In the process as I walked through the halls I came to know some of the residents that were not relegated to their beds. “Joe” was one of these people. He actually seemed more or less normal physically. He still got around on his own two legs and was always talking. The biggest ailment I noticed about “Joe” is he had exactly ZERO short term memory left. He would tell me the same story several times a week and not realize it. He had a dirty old man sense of humor that was amusing. He also would not pull any punches with women. If he noticed they were packing on the pounds, he would let them know about it. Well any way, evidently he had a stroke recently and after returning from the hospital he passed away shortly thereafter. It’s a shame but I find solace in the fact that “Joe didn’t wind up like the majority of people in that place, glued to their beds with mouths hanging open and being alive in the clinical sense of the word only.