Gym jerk, dreams, soap genie shit, rolling the dice
There is a guy at my gym whom I have seen semi-regularly. I never have talked to the guy. He is in decent shape. I don’t like him. Why? Because he wears flip flops to work out. That is just a stupid thing to do. However yesterday he cranked up my dislike for him when I saw him on the leg press machine. When he entered the machine he lost the flip flops and did the machine in his bare feet. WTF? The gym is dirty and gross enough without having some dipshit put his nasty, sweaty, fungus carrying bare feet on the equipment. It’s such an asshole move. This isn’t your personal home gym. The guy will forever be known as an asshole in my book.
We have a hands free soap dispenser at the kitchen sink. We bought it a couple years ago from The Sharper Image. Well a few days ago it stopped dispensing. I had resigned myself to us just forking out the money for a new one but last night I decided to crack it open just for the hell of it to see if I could see something wrong. So after some screwing around I got it apart so I could see the pump mechanism. I rotated it a bit but didn’t see anything wrong. So just for the hell of it I threw the batteries back in and it WORKED. Wow, I felt like the Fonz, magically fixing the unit by doing little more than laying my hands on it. I proudly proclaimed to Ali that the unit was working again. She came out a little later, went to wash her hands and got nothing. She told me and I immediately came over. Certainly she had to be kidding. Nope, the damn thing doesn’t work again. The pump motor must just be dying. My manual movement of it probably freed it up enough temporarily to get a few squirts out.
Yesterday Ali got an email from her dad instructing us to watch Home Shopping Network at 6pm. Well we wouldn’t be home by then so I Slingbox’d into the home Tivo and set it to tape HSN at 6. So when I got home I received a call from my brother-in-law asking if I just saw his mom on tv. I said I had it on Tivo. Evidently she won some sort of prize where some famous party planner guy would come and throw a party for her and 10 of her friends. I flipped on the Tivo and checked the recording. I didn’t see Ali’s mom at all. Evidently she was actually on at 5:45 so we missed it, too bad. Ali gasped when she heard the name of the guy that was doing this party, evidently he is right up there with Martha Stewart.
I still hadn’t made a move in addressing my Bose Lifestyle 20 problem with the sound cutting out. The options I had on the table was to spend approximately $300 to have Bose fix it or buy a new surround sound system, spending more than that. I had pretty much resigned myself to just getting it fixed since that would be the least costly option. However yesterday as I was browsing ebay I saw someone selling a used Lifestyle 20 unit that had a bad cd unit. My mind started spinning. He only wanted like $130 for it, far less than the $300 I would have to spend for a repair. So I took a leap of faith, figuring I have enough technical expertise to merge the two units with problems into one fully functional unit. Hopefully I am not being over zealous.
I had yet another weird dream last night. I was riding my motorcycle on a highway, it kind of looked like the section of 222 near my old house in Gouglersville. All of a sudden I heard squealing tires and a siren behind me. I look in my mirror and see a police car nose diving behind me as it was slamming on it’s brakes. I saw ahead of me a car pulled over to the right with other police cars around it. Although my heart was in my throat from also getting run over by a police car, I pulled over to the left lane and slowed down to go around the cars. As I was passing another cop jumps out in the road and motions me over to the right, he even grabbed my arm to pull me in that direction. I was in disbelief, wtf was going on.
So I pull over and stop, my heart still racing from the near miss as well as the growing anger about being pulled over myself. I took my helmet off and yelled out to the nearest cop “Excuse me, why exactly did you pull ME over? I wasn’t speeding or breaking any laws” The cop snarls back “You didn’t yield to the police car” WTF????????? I was furious but the cop had walked away and was tending to other things.
Then the cop that almost ran me over and his partner, a woman came over to me and started giving me shit about not yielding. I could not believe this conversation was taking place. My voice volume immediately increased and I shot back at them saying it was THEIR fault, they weren’t paying attention. I said all of a sudden they were right behind me, I had no way of knowing until I saw it in my mirror. The cop said I should have seen them in the mirror. I screamed back “You weren’t in the mirror 2 seconds prior! You were driving like an asshole!” Of course my tone was not well received.
The dream fast forwards to me in the police station in the questioning room. My anger is off the charts at the absurdity of the entire situation. How in the world was I in trouble because some idiot almost ran me over? The officer behind the wheel and his partner come in the room. I don’t give them a chance to speak. I immediately threaten them. I said “I DARE you keep this up. If you do I will MAKE sure both of you become very famous for your incompetence.” The woman asks me if I would accept a lesser fine if that would make up for it? I laughed out loud at her. “NO. I’m not paying any fine. I did NOTHING wrong” That’s all I remember.
Lina Smith
I found this site called maybe you can use it. It seems to help get me through the issues of dealing with some of the jerks I know. At least I can vent about these jerks, plus I get a kick out of sending them some cards.