
So for the first time in 9 months I did two 300 workouts during the same week.  I was totally expecting this session to be hell.  I was still somewhat sore from my Monday 300 plus two additional days of workouts in between.  To help numb the aches I popped an aspirin around 11.  I was amazed that today’s session went significantly better than Monday.  Keeping HoH during rest periods wasn’t a big deal at all, my energy level just felt much better.  I am pretty sure I did today’s workout faster than Monday. The human body is an odd machine.

Something not unexpected is that the McCain campaign has already abandoned it’s pledge to take the high road during this campaign and avoid negative angles. What Obama said was absolutely correct, the Republicans are pulling out their favorite tactic, fear.  Be afraid of change, it’s “safer” to stick with the old codger that represents nothing but more traditional old style politics, even if those politics have lead us right into the shitter.  The thing that amazes me about Obama is he just stays cool as a cucumber no matter what is thrown at him.  Compare that with our current president that gets tied in knots if you ask him to recite the alphabet.