Blind leading the blind, activesync HTML email with Exchange 2003? YES just add Apple.

So at the gym today my one gym buddy directs me to the back corner where there are three women working out. Two of them are younger, one obviously has 20 years on the other two. The older woman had hair like Judith Light, the sitcom staple from the 80’s and early 90’s. She evidently was the “trainer”. She carried a tape measure around her neck during the entire session, evidently to take her clients measurements. The funny thing was this woman looked like the only thing she was trained to do was sit on the couch. She was built like a giant pear. Her clients were in better shape then she was.
Well that was funny and all but then we got to watch her put these poor girls through some exercises. Every single thing she showed them was incorrect. She was showing them bad to borderline dangerous form on each exercise. I can only imagine how much she is charging for her services. I’d like to see her training certification that she bought from ebay.
When I got Ali the Treo 750 with Windows Mobile 6 one of the neato things I was looking forward to was her being able to read her HTML formatted email on the unit to save her time. Well I was pissed to find out that MSFT would only support this if you were running Exchange 2007 on your back end. I am running Exchange 2003. To me it is a sneaky way to coerce upgrades. So I had to just live with it. Well I was thrilled to find out that the Apple Touch 2.0 update supports Exchange Activesync natively. Not only does it support it, it lets you read HTML email! It seems ironic to me that in order to cash in on what Windows Mobile promised, I need to use an Apple product.
i remember when i was at golds and i saw a trainer having a guy do barbell curls with uneven weight on each side. most trainers are total garbage