Not feeling verbose. Watched a few movies over the weekend. The first one was 21, a blackjack movie. It was a good flick, even for someone that doesn’t like black jack. B+ Also saw Never Back Down which was sort of a modern day Karate Kid type movie. Instead of karate, the sport is MMA. The storyline is strikingly similar to KK. The lead in this flick looks amazingly like a young Tom Cruise. He even acts and talks like him to a degree. It’s a good guy movie, I enjoyed it, another B+ I recorded Langoliers on the Tivo the other week and got around to watching that as well. I forgot just how freaky that movie is. The special effects are embarrassingly bad but it didn’t really matter. Bronson Pinchot’s character steals the movie. It’s very corny in parts but I still enjoyed watching it for the third or forth time. I’ve often joked to Ali that Mary Murphy from “So You Think You Can Dance” reminds me of a langolier. She has a huge mouth jammed full of monsterous teeth.

Mary Murphy
The replacement belt for the tractor has not shown up yet so we didn’t mow. I still grabbed the weed whacker and went along the inside and outside of the entire fence line since it needed it. Saturday night we stopped over at mom’s place. On the way we stopped at Tijuana Flats and grabbed food for everyone. Mom had a few things she needed me to do. It was a quick visit as Nicki started being rather persistent about her need for us to make her supper. I figured it was no big deal since I will be seeing tons of mom when my brother and sister arrive later in the week.
Over the past couple weeks I grabbed a replacement battery pack for my one RC radio as well as a new pack for my Sky Scooter that I use for aerial photography. On Sunday I was ready to try it. I loaded everything up and launched the plane. The new battery has a lot of power so it easily powered the plane up to altitude. I started flicking the switch the fires off the camera. Then I noticed that the plane was not reacting very smoothly to my controls. I dropped it in altitude and saw in horror the camera dangling below it. Evidently I didn’t press it into the velcro hard enough. Well I certainly didn’t want the camera to drop off and smash on the ground below, it was specially modified by my rc buddy that moved away, replacing it would not be possible. So I quickly brought the plane down. I got somewhat lucky, it wound up touching down in a ditch with high grass that helped pad the landing. The camera appeared to survive. Unfortunately I discovered that the memory card was full so I didn’t get any in the air shots. It started to rain shortly afterward so I had to postpone any more aerial photography.
My mom swooped in and saved me from seeing Mama Mia. She contacted Ali and told her that she and a co-worker of hers wanted to see it. I was very grateful. Ali said the movie was very good and everyone liked it. I forgot to ask her how many penises were in the audience.
I got the full treatment from the dentist today. I had full x-rays, a gum test where they poke your gums along the teeth to measure depth, an oral cancer screening as well as the conventional scraping, flossing and cleaning. No cavities. Visits to the dentist are much less stressful than they used to be. I used to fear them like the end of summer.