Delving deeper

I wanted to take a closer look at the poll results earlier in the week showing a large swing in white female voters to the McCain camp.  The story indicated the majority of these women were formerly Hilary Clinton supporters.  Now I would argue that whether you are a republican, democrat or something in between and have a functioning brain, you would find these poll results somewhere in the range of hilarious to disturbing.  I mean think about it, these women have basically identified themselves as voting for a candidate solely because they share a gender with them and nothing else. 

There is no other logical explanation.  Politically, Hilary Clinton and Sarah Palin could not be more opposite.  They don’t remotely share any common ground besides their sexual organs.  What that translates into is the STUPID women that have said that adding Palin to the ticket swapped their vote are basically admitting they have no knowledge or concern about the issues the election is about, they just want a woman in there.  Talk about simplifying things to a ridiculously low level.  I am dumbfounded by this turn of events.  I thought women were always supposed to be the “smart” ones?

Now let’s move on to an even greater demonstration of stupidity.  Obama was speaking about McCain’s war policy and how McCain refuses to admit that a plan of withdrawal sooner rather than later is what the majority of Americans want.  Obama used the old phrase about putting lipstick on a pig, with the pig being the Iraq war.  It’s an obvious, simple reference.  Well somehow this statement got interpreted by some morons as him indirectly calling Sarah Palin a pig with lipstick???? WTF????????????  How in the world would this conclusion be reached?  It is almost too ridiculous for me to even contemplate yet I see that apologies are being demanded for this comment that CLEARLY had no malicious intention.  What the f is wrong with people?  Along with obesity, has idiocy also taken over as a condition the majority of Americans suffer from?  I mean give me a break, this is just sickening.