Eww, as expected

Last night when I was taking Nicki out I saw two wolf spiders right outside the lanai door.  One moved out of the way, the other one stayed put.  The one that stayed looked a bit weird, it’s ass end was big.  I used my foot to try to bump the spider so it would run away.  It didn’t move but instead I saw hundreds of tiny little spiders scatter in all directions and then return back to the spider in a few seconds.  Then I realized this was a female wolf spider. 

I knew that females carried the baby spiders on their abdomen but I never had seen one before.  It was bizarre.  I called Ali out to show her.  She was freaked out by it.  The mama spider had no intentions of moving for whatever reason.

So Ali and I sat down and watched the VP debate last night.  It went pretty much as I expected.  Palin stuck strictly to her notes.  She was unable to speak off the cuff intelligently about any subject.  She would read her notes and then if Biden offered up a response to her statement that wasn’t covered in her notes she simply let it pass and said nothing further.  Biden did a great job of dismantling any angle that Palin attempted to read.  He didn’t focus on her ineptitude, instead he focused on McCain and his disingenuous representation of both his current positions and his track record over the last 8 years of being almost joined at the hip with Bush in most areas.  

Palin got the word “maverick” out 8 or 9 times and peppered in lots of winks, bad grammar and “joe six pack” speak.  Like McCain, her mission was to make the public think that the last 8 years have not occurred.  She accused Biden of looking backwards instead of forward.  I guess her message is to not learn from past mistakes when you can have a future full of new f up’s by following basically the same policies.

I loved Biden’s remarks near the end where he spelled out that John McCain’s record indicates he is anything but a maverick on issues that are the largest in this election.  He really laid out exactly what McCain’s shortcomings were.  He also did a good job with getting into SPECIFICS of what would be done in regards to the issues presented where as Palin did nothing but talk in vague generalities filled with buzz words and nothing else.

He spanked her plain and simple but everyone expected that.  I had to chuckle when I saw people say Palin did “better than expected”.  I guess when the bar is low it isn’t too hard to jump over it.  Because she didn’t sit there and stare into the camera blankly she did a good job?  All Palin did was read what was fed to her like she was told to.  The woman is so under qualified for the position it is ludicrous. 

Several times during the debate I thought Ali was going to jump up and strangle Palin through the TV after she made contradictory statement after contradictory statement.  I had to cover my eyes several times while Sarah was speaking, I felt embarrassed for her.     

Sarah Palin may be a nice woman to drink beer with, but she SUCKS as a vice presidential candidate, plain and simple.