Archives 2008

New comment king, Ipod touch, sucking and spraying

Once again I am floored by how something as simple as using the word “oblivious” could spin into an entry with 14 comments.  It isn’t the first time Ali and I have had virtual disagreements.  I remember one time when we were living with my mom during the time between us selling the house in Wernersville and moving down to Florida.  We were sitting in the same room, each on our own computer, no less than 10 feet apart and proceeded to have an argument over instant messenger.  There was literally no conversation, just typing.  It was bizarre.


You would think after Ali camping on the blog entry yesterday there would have been more arguing last night.  There was a bit of back and forth banter but nothing too harsh.  Ali seemed to think my issue was based in vanity when in truth it was simply an observation of how unobservant she is.  I have to add the pic that Charlie posted was brilliant and worth repeating.

Look closely

Look closely

 I had to laugh out loud when I asked Ali about this picture.  She didn’t even notice what makes this picture so funny, the guy in the background holding up his sign.  It just furthered my point but of course that was not well received either. 

Jeremy went crazy with his commenting yesterday, telling me I was a jerk for tying in my possible motorcycle acquisition with my mom’s smoking. He followed up by saying he didn’t think it was a big deal that



the lunkhead at the gym was using the leg press machine in his bare, stinky feet.  It was odd comment from someone who has abandoned the gym because of the excessive coodies he contracted.  I do welcome all comments, pro and con, they add to the discussion.

Last Christmas the “big” gift I bought for Ali was an Ipod Touch.  I figured it would be a great companion for Ali during her running.  Well two things scuttled that plan.  First the Touch was too big to be worn comfortably on her arm and second, Ali has done very little running in the past few months.  As a result the unit has been sitting around collecting dust.  I decided to take it into work and play with it myself.  The first thing I did was convert a couple DIVX movies to a format playable on the Touch.  To do this I used Videroa, a free but ad filled solution that seemed to do a great job.  It took a little more than an hour for it to convert a full length movie.  The movies looked great on the Ipod Touch. 

As I was digging around I found out they just released a 2.0 update for the Touch in coordination with the new Iphone release.  The upgrade costs $10 but is well worth it. The update greatly expands the features of the unit with real email and calendering as well as access to hundreds of applications that can be run on both the Iphone and Touch.  Some of these apps are free, some cost money. 

One free app I found that was pretty cool was Remote Control.  Basically you fire up Itunes on your PC, and turn up your speakers.  Then by using the Touch which is connected to your home WAN, you can control your Itunes library, playing and controlling the music on your pc via the Ipod.  It’s pretty slick.  There are TONS of apps and games available and I only skimmed over them.  The 2.0 update makes the Touch a much more interesting device in my book.

There are only a couple weeks before my brother and sister come to visit.  In preparation, this weekend I want to clean the pool area thoroughly.  It is a major project.  After removing everything from the pool deck area, I have to go around with the shop vac and sweep up as much dirt and spider webs as I can and then follow up with blasting down every square inch of both the pool deck and pool cage with the pressure washer.  Yea, it’s going to pretty much suck.   Of course there is all the normal summer maintenance to do as well.  I’d like to get a chance to go out to see Batman if possible.


So I hadn’t shaved since last Friday, I had a good jump on beard action by the time Ali got back home on Tuesday.  Last night after I took a shower I decided to shave it off, I had enough facial hair fun.  I came out and said to Ali, “Look, I shaved!”  Ali said she didn’t even notice that I had facial hair going on.  She had been home for over 24 hours and did not notice I had hair on my face.  I was sort of amazed by this but after quickly expressing my disbelief that she would not notice I dropped it.  I guess it is all part of the magic of being married almost 10 years.

Gym jerk, dreams, soap genie shit, rolling the dice

There is a guy at my gym whom I have seen semi-regularly.  I never have talked to the guy.  He is in decent shape.  I don’t like him.  Why?  Because he wears flip flops to work out.  That is just a stupid thing to do.  However yesterday he cranked up my dislike for him when I saw him on the leg press machine.  When he entered the machine he lost the flip flops and did the machine in his bare feet.  WTF?  The gym is dirty and gross enough without having some dipshit put his nasty, sweaty, fungus carrying bare feet on the equipment.  It’s such an asshole move.  This isn’t your personal home gym.  The guy will forever be known as an asshole in my book.

We have a hands free soap dispenser at the kitchen sink.  We bought it a couple years ago from The Sharper Image.  Well a few days ago it stopped dispensing.  I had resigned myself to us just forking out the money for a new one but last night I decided to crack it open just for the hell of it to see if I could see something wrong.  So after some screwing around I got it apart so I could see the pump mechanism.  I rotated it a bit but didn’t see anything wrong.  So just for the hell of it I threw the batteries back in and it WORKED.  Wow, I felt like the Fonz, magically fixing the unit by doing little more than laying my hands on it.  I proudly proclaimed to Ali that the unit was working again.  She came out a little later, went to wash her hands and got nothing.  She told me and I immediately came over.  Certainly she had to be kidding.  Nope, the damn thing doesn’t work again.  The pump motor must just be dying.  My manual movement of it probably freed it up enough temporarily to get a few squirts out.

Yesterday Ali got an email from her dad instructing us to watch Home Shopping Network at 6pm.  Well we wouldn’t be home by then so I Slingbox’d into the home Tivo and set it to tape HSN at 6.  So when I got home I received a call from my brother-in-law asking if I just saw his mom on tv.  I said I had it on Tivo.  Evidently she won some sort of prize where some famous party planner guy would come and throw a party for her and 10 of her friends.  I flipped on the Tivo and checked the recording.  I didn’t see Ali’s mom at all.  Evidently she was actually on at 5:45 so we missed it, too bad.  Ali gasped when she heard the name of the guy that was doing this party, evidently he is right up there with Martha Stewart.

I still hadn’t made a move in addressing my Bose Lifestyle 20 problem with the sound cutting out.  The options I had on the table was to spend approximately $300 to have Bose fix it or buy a new surround sound system, spending more than that.  I had pretty much resigned myself to just getting it fixed since that would be the least costly option.  However yesterday as I was browsing ebay I saw someone selling a used Lifestyle 20 unit that had a bad cd unit.  My mind started spinning.  He only wanted like $130 for it, far less than the $300 I would have to spend for a repair.  So I took a leap of faith, figuring I have enough technical expertise to merge the two units with problems into one fully functional unit.  Hopefully I am not being over zealous.

I had yet another weird dream last night.  I was riding my motorcycle on a highway, it kind of looked like the section of 222 near my old house in Gouglersville.  All of a sudden I heard squealing tires and a siren behind me.  I look in my mirror and see a police car nose diving behind me as it was slamming on it’s brakes.  I saw ahead of me a car pulled over to the right with other police cars around it.  Although my heart was in my throat from also getting run over by a police car, I pulled over to the left lane and slowed down to go around the cars.  As I was passing another cop jumps out in the road and motions me over to the right, he even grabbed my arm to pull me in that direction.  I was in disbelief, wtf was going on.

So I pull over and stop, my heart still racing from the near miss as well as the growing anger about being pulled over myself.  I took my helmet off and yelled out to the nearest cop “Excuse me, why exactly did you pull ME over?  I wasn’t speeding or breaking any laws”  The cop snarls back “You didn’t yield to the police car”  WTF?????????  I was furious but the cop had walked away and was tending to other things.

Then the cop that almost ran me over and his partner, a woman came over to me and started giving me shit about not yielding.  I could not believe this conversation was taking place.  My voice volume immediately increased and I shot back at them saying it was THEIR fault, they weren’t paying attention.  I said all of a sudden they were right behind me, I had no way of knowing until I saw it in my mirror.  The cop said I should have seen them in the mirror.  I screamed back “You weren’t in the mirror 2 seconds prior!  You were driving like an asshole!”  Of course my tone was not well received. 

The dream fast forwards to me in the police station in the questioning room.  My anger is off the charts at the absurdity of the entire situation.  How in the world was I in trouble because some idiot almost ran me over?  The officer behind the wheel and his partner come in the room.  I don’t give them a chance to speak.  I immediately threaten them.  I said “I DARE you keep this up.  If you do I will MAKE sure both of you become very famous for your incompetence.”  The woman asks me if I would accept a lesser fine if that would make up for it?  I laughed out loud at her.  “NO.  I’m not paying any fine.  I did NOTHING wrong”  That’s all I remember.


Ali told me that she heard that “Joe”, a resident at her facility recently died. It made me a bit sad.  When Ali and I were carpooling every day I would pick her up daily.  In the process as I walked through the halls I came to know some of the residents that were not relegated to their beds.  “Joe” was one of these people.  He actually seemed more or less normal physically.  He still got around on his own two legs and was always talking.  The biggest ailment I noticed about “Joe” is he had exactly ZERO short term memory left.  He would tell me the same story several times a week and not realize it.  He had a dirty old man sense of humor that was amusing.  He also would not pull any punches with women. If he noticed they were packing on the pounds, he would let them know about it.  Well any way, evidently he had a stroke recently and after returning from the hospital he passed away shortly thereafter.  It’s a shame but I find solace in the fact that “Joe didn’t wind up like the majority of people in that place, glued to their beds with mouths hanging open and being alive in the clinical sense of the word only.

Add a ball

If you find yourself getting bored with jumping up on to a box step endless times I suggest you try this variation that I saw another guy at the gym do.  You grab a 15 pound medicine ball and hold it in front of you.  As you jump you don’t want to swing the ball, try to keep it as stationary as possible.  This addition of a ball makes the move tougher on several levels.  Of course it is harder to jump while holding an extra 15 pounds.  Keeping the ball still makes it harder yet so you are unable to use your arms to generate any upward momentum.  I did two sets of 15 last Friday and that was quite enough.

Ali sent me this the other day – – I always love the jibjab stuff, they are so well done.

I was chatting to Jeremy yesterday, expressing my continued desire to take the motorcycle safety course.  He surprised me by saying he had taken the course and it was good.  He further surprised me by revealing he has had a BMW 1100 CC bike for several years!  I had no idea he had a bike.  He used it for the majority of his commuting for a good stint but recently it hasn’t seen much use.  The revelation took me by surprise for some reason.

 Ali comes back home today.  She is driving across the state this morning and then going right to work.  She is excited to get home again.



When a man is left alone for a few days he does strange things like take pictures of himself to validate the results of his fitness efforts. Have fun attaching various heads.

Solo success

My weekend sans spouse went fine.  I kept busy for most of it.  Ali had to leave early Saturday morning for her conference.  Shortly after she left I was outside working on my list.  After weeding the property I got inspired to cut down some low hanging limbs.  Then my inspiration grew and I decided to address the non-fruit bearing banana trees that are in the bed in front of the two palms by the pool.  They in a word looked shitty.

Banana trees can be a bit of a pain in the ass.  If left to their own means they will reproduce indefinitely, continuing to send up additional trees until it overruns an area.  Well the banana trees in this area were doing just that.  It just looked like a big mess.  Originally I had ideas of trying to dig them out intact and sticking them somewhere else, where that somewhere would be was undetermined.  However it didn’t take me long at all to figure out it would be a huge pain in the ass.  Trying to dig them out while battling the big huge, wet leaves knocking you around was not going to work.  I decided to use brute force.

Out came the chain saw.  After f’ing with it for  a good 10 minutes to get it to start it finally spit to life.  It made short work of the trees.  After knocking down the trunks, digging out the root balls was surprisingly easy.  I carted all of the organic material back to the ditch to act as cheap landfill. Hopefully Ali is ok with my command decision.  In the past she complained about the overgrown appearance of that area so I think she will be glad to see it cleaned up.

The people that own the house to the west of us happened to be down over the weekend.  The live in Michigan.  We try to be neighborly to them even though they are only in Florida a few weeks out of the year.  Well it seems that most times they are done I get asked to assist in one thing or another at their place.  This time was no different.  The guy came out while I was dumping the debris and asked if I would mind helping him pick up some furniture his wife bought at a second hand store, the curse of owning a truck.  Even though I was right in the middle of my outdoor chores I had little choice but to agree unless I wanted to come off as a major prick.  I told him to give me a little bit of time and then we could go.

I was sweating buckets from working outside so I decided it would be a good time to tackle another item on the list, replacing the pool drains.  I grabbed the two replacement drains, a screw driver, my scuba mask and a 35 pound dumbbell to anchor me to the bottom of the pool. I expected drain replacement to be challenging, it lived up to my expectations and then some.

I already had the old drain cover off of one of the floor drains.  I used that cover as a rough template to line up where the screws needed to go on the new universal drain cover.  I put on my mask, take a deep breath and head down to start the process.  I quickly discovered that trying to do something precise like lining up a screw with a hole is far more difficult underwater, while holding on to a dumb bell with one hand, and holding your breath.  The task was made more difficult by the fact that the new drain cover was naturally buoyant and wanted to float upward.  Soon I wised up and used the dumb bell to also hold down the cover.  Even so to attach the first drain cover took at least 10 dives from the surface.  Each consecutive time I went down it seemed I could hold my breath for shorter periods of time.  I found myself getting progressively angrier each time I surfaced gasping for air.

 At one point I thought there was no way I could do this by simply holding my breath.  I got out and put a few sections of pool cleaner hose together and stuck the one end in my mouth to see if that could serve as a crude air supply.  The hose was quite large and uncomfortable to to keep in my mouth.  I’m sure it looked like I was casting for a bad porn movie.  I decided I would probably wind up sucking more water than air with this arrangement.

So I hopped back in the pool and just held my breath some more.  Finally my persistence paid off and I got the first drain cover securely attached.  The second drain cover went better since I learned some lessons from the first one.  Even with one drain under my belt it still took quite a few dives until I got the second drain attached.  I was quite relieved when I tightened the last screw.  I emerged from the pool and flipped on the floor drains to verify the covers served their purpose.  They seemed to allow adequate flow.  Then it was time for the real test. I threw the pool cleaner into the pool and let it go crazy.  It ran the rest of the day and did not get stuck once.  Mission accomplished.  After 6 years I finally removed that thorn from my side, hallelujah.

After my Jacques Cousteau impression I told the neighbor I was ready to go pick up his furniture. On the way there he said something about wanting to fill up my truck with gas for my trouble.  The gracious part of me immediately declined his offer, saying that at $4 a gallon and the truck being 3/4 empty it would cost way too much.  Of course the practical part of me would have liked to score a free fill up.  We picked up and delivered the furniture back to their place without issue.  Their house is barren, only having sparse furniture here and there since it is only a secondary residence at this point.  They invited me over for sloppy joe’s later since they knew Ali was out of town.  I accepted their offer somewhat reluctantly just because I knew I still had all of the mowing and weed whacking to do.   

So I dug into the grass maintenance.  Normally Ali mans the tractor while I weed whack which greatly cuts down on the time required.  Doing it by myself was a drag. After I finished I jumped in the pool once again to serve as a poor man’s shower and then went next door to eat.  The neighbors had brought down the wife’s parents with them.  They are both very old and didn’t say hardly a word during the entire time I was there.  Most of the dinner I listened to stories of how my neighbor was an accomplished athlete in his youth playing all the major sports at a high level.  He is in the mid 50’s now and if you looked at him you have no idea he had an athletic background.  After dinner I excused myself, saying I still had to prepare the dog’s dinner, a major operation.

On Saturday night I watched the original Hell boy.  I knew little of Hell boy besides it is a comic book series.  I didn’t really know what to expect of the movie.  I was pleasantly surprised, I liked it a lot.  I was entertained throughout.  It had a good story, good action, and good effects.  it made me anxious to see Hell boy 2 which recently came out.  I’d give the first one a B+ or A-.

I was so busy all day long that I kept missing Ali’s calls from the conference.  She was getting worried when I finally got around to calling her back that night.  She said she had scenarios of me drowning in the pool running through her head.

On Sunday I had mostly indoor chores left to do.  I was pretty diligent and had almost everything knocked out a little after noon.  The rest of the day was very laid back and enjoyable.  I played some WoW, took a dip in the pool, flew my Sky Scooter, played some games on the Xbox as well as the Wii. 

While I was playing my hacked Xbox I realized how cool it is.  Not only can I play games off the hard drive, it also serves as a very cool media center that I still use to play music and movies.  It also is several years old.  I thought about how it would suck if the hard drive died in it so I decided to guard against that possibility. I backed up the crucial files as well as several games I would like to keep onto my NAS for safe keeping.  Now the only thing I need to do is create a disaster recovery CD that I could boot the system with if I had to replace the drive.  It’s a precaution I will be glad I took if something ever goes down.

Sunday night I watched my second movies of the weekend, 10,000 BC.  I could tell the movie probably had a huge budget.  Recreating a time 12,000 years ago can’t be cheap.  The special effects were great, but they always are anymore.  I found the film generally boring.  I just didn’t care about what was going on.  There were several times I considered bailing on it entirely, something I never do.  It just wasn’t that good.  I’d give it a C.

I’m looking forward to seeing the new Batman.  I wonder if it is as fantastic as some have said it is.  In my experience, super hyped films rarely live up to their billing for me.  Once Ali gets back I will check it out myself.

Can you believe the entire weekend I didn’t drink one drop of alcohol?  I just was too busy, too tired or too distracted to even care.  Ali comes back tomorrow, it will be good to have her back under the roof.

Wired weather

My personal weather station at home has had problems for awhile.  The turbine on the wind sensor seized up ages ago and the rain sensor has been flaky for awhile as well.  I found a place that sells parts and scratch and dent versions of the weather equipment.  I could have just bought new sensors for about $30 each but I saw i could get an entire new complete weather station for $78 so I opted for the latter.

So I decided last night after work I would work on setting it up.  Originally I just planned on swapping out the sensors and keeping the other parts intact.  The way it is set up now, the outdoor sensor runs off of batteries and transmits it’s data wirelessly to the home base inside.  There is an option to hard wire the outside unit to the indoor unit via a RJ-11 telephone cable.  The wireless set up is convenient but it also can be flaky.  I have found that the wireless communication is spotty.  Also, when you use the wireless option, data is transmitted much less frequently than if it is wired together.  When you use the wired option everything is powered by the base station inside, another bonus, no more batteries.

I never pursued the wired option because basically it seemed like too much of a pain in the ass to get the cable out there.  Well for some reason last night the inspiration hit me.  After swapping out the sensors I strung the base station cable from the orchard to the house.  I barely had enough cable to reach but I was determined to give it a try.  I open the screen and the window to pull the cable in.  The phone cable was thin enough that I could close everything back up securely.  I was careful to not pinch the cable.

Next I headed outside.  I had to make provisions for mowing and weed whacking.  If this was going to work I would have to bury the cable.  I routed the cable out the window, into the rock border by the house and dug hole under the plastic edging and routed the cable under there.  I wrapped the end of the connector in aluminum foil to protect it and keep it clean.  I pulled out a 30 year old edging tool that we picked up from one of my relatives.  I used it to cut a small slice into the turf then rocked it back and forth to give me a little trench to push the phone cable into.  The tool was only maybe a foot long at the most so I had to make quite a few little slices.  After maybe 45 minutes of work I was down to the remote weather transmitter in the orchard.  Once again I had to go under the orchard border and come back the other side.

So I dig out under the rotting landscape timbers and all of a sudden thousands of angry big carpenter ants come swarming out.  Evidently they have taken up residence in the rotting wood.  They were everywhere and they were pissed.  The hole that I dug out was filled with them.  I didn’t quite feel like jamming my hand in there to fish the cable through in that circumstance.  So I waited a few minutes to see if the activity would die down.  It slowed down a little but there were still plenty of ants mulling about when my patience ran out.  I grabbed the end of the cable and jammed it through the hole quickly.  I was rewarded for my efforts with several bites from angry ants that I quickly swatted away.  I connected the cable to the transmitter and I was ready to go.

I went back inside and verified I had communication with the outside world.  Yep, it was all working, sweet.  I modified my weather info web page to once again include wind speed and direction info.  I am anxiously awaiting our next rain event so we can once again accurately know how much has fallen on our property. 

One of the issues that Ali and I have with timing races is people that have terrible hand writing.  I can’t tell you how many times we have to make an educated guess about what is on the entry forms.  The problem is if we guess wrong, that inaccurate information gets fed into the timing system which in turn causes various problems down the road.  Well the club makes PDF versions of the race entry forms available online that people can print out, fill out by hand and then send in.  I thought it would be awesome if somehow I could make these forms fillable online so the people are typing their info in before printing it out.  Well after a bit of homework I found out how to do just that. I took it a step further.  Not only can you fill out the form online, it REQUIRES you to fill out several required fields before allowing you to print the form, pretty cool.

Finally…..sweet revenge

Finally after waiting another week for Paypal to get off their ass I became inpatient and called back again.  I explained to the guy the background and how there was nothing left to dispute, I provided the tracking info that verified the drive was sent back.  He said he didn’t know why it was taking so long so he stepped in and refunded the transaction for me on the spot, AWESOME.

I have been waiting a month and a half for this moment, the moment I could email back the asshole seller who thought he would prevail through repeated lies and denials.  I sent him simply this… 

I win, you lose, thanks for playing….


Of course this drove him insane and he sent back this typical ignorant reply.



Never got the package and how can paypal take from an account at zero? Beats me. Enjoy your broke hard Drive that you still have. You have been added to my ignore list you moron. Btw dorky little website you got there Sent via BlackBerry from SunCom Wireless

No one gets away with calling my web site dorky!  So I fired off one last salvo to the big dummy.


Oh so now you are saying USPS lies as well?  No need for you to continue the charade, it’s over buddy.  You tried to weasel out of our agreement and you got busted.  Paypal will charge your back up funding source as well as flag your account.  Have a great weekend, I know I will.  🙂


F him.  I hope he enjoys eating his big sandwich of stupid.