Last night when I was taking Nicki out I saw two wolf spiders right outside the lanai door. One moved out of the way, the other one stayed put. The one that stayed looked a bit weird, it’s ass end was big. I used my foot to try to bump the spider so it would run away. It didn’t move but instead I saw hundreds of tiny little spiders scatter in all directions and then return back to the spider in a few seconds. Then I realized this was a female wolf spider.
I knew that females carried the baby spiders on their abdomen but I never had seen one before. It was bizarre. I called Ali out to show her. She was freaked out by it. The mama spider had no intentions of moving for whatever reason.
So Ali and I sat down and watched the VP debate last night. It went pretty much as I expected. Palin stuck strictly to her notes. She was unable to speak off the cuff intelligently about any subject. She would read her notes and then if Biden offered up a response to her statement that wasn’t covered in her notes she simply let it pass and said nothing further. Biden did a great job of dismantling any angle that Palin attempted to read. He didn’t focus on her ineptitude, instead he focused on McCain and his disingenuous representation of both his current positions and his track record over the last 8 years of being almost joined at the hip with Bush in most areas.
Palin got the word “maverick” out 8 or 9 times and peppered in lots of winks, bad grammar and “joe six pack” speak. Like McCain, her mission was to make the public think that the last 8 years have not occurred. She accused Biden of looking backwards instead of forward. I guess her message is to not learn from past mistakes when you can have a future full of new f up’s by following basically the same policies.
I loved Biden’s remarks near the end where he spelled out that John McCain’s record indicates he is anything but a maverick on issues that are the largest in this election. He really laid out exactly what McCain’s shortcomings were. He also did a good job with getting into SPECIFICS of what would be done in regards to the issues presented where as Palin did nothing but talk in vague generalities filled with buzz words and nothing else.
He spanked her plain and simple but everyone expected that. I had to chuckle when I saw people say Palin did “better than expected”. I guess when the bar is low it isn’t too hard to jump over it. Because she didn’t sit there and stare into the camera blankly she did a good job? All Palin did was read what was fed to her like she was told to. The woman is so under qualified for the position it is ludicrous.
Several times during the debate I thought Ali was going to jump up and strangle Palin through the TV after she made contradictory statement after contradictory statement. I had to cover my eyes several times while Sarah was speaking, I felt embarrassed for her.
Sarah Palin may be a nice woman to drink beer with, but she SUCKS as a vice presidential candidate, plain and simple.
In a few days we will be leaving for our 10 year anniversary trip. Originally we had grand plans of possibly going to Hawaii for the occasion. However after trying to work out the logistics, costs and dog care options, we scuttled that idea. We poured through the time share book looking at various locations throughout the country. We wound up deciding to stay somewhere you wouldn’t expect, northern Georgia.
We picked this spot for a couple reasons. First it was within reasonable driving range (approx 10 hours) and second the place accepted pets. Yes, Nicki will be accompanying us on this trip. The resort is located in the mountains and supposedly offers lots of outdoor sightseeing and hiking. It should be very scenic and peaceful. The temperatures should be just about perfect with low’s in the 50’s and highs in the low to mid 70’s.
No it doesn’t offer all the glitz and glamour of a Hawaii vacation but Ali is really looking forward to it all the same. She loves to have Nicki along on trips. I am looking forward to relaxing, reading, going on long walks with Nicki and just taking it easy for a few days, something I’m normally not very good at doing. Although I did ask Ali if the place had a gym. Hey, exercising is relaxing to me in a way too. 🙂
Tonight is the VP debate. It is all set up on the Tivo. This should be some good fun. Yesterday I saw yet another clip of the Katie Couric interview where Sarah is questioned about a joke she made about Biden being old while she was the “young, new energy” (a phrase she rolls out constantly). Katie pointed out that her running mate is a decade older than Biden. Sarah stumbled over her words as she tried to back track from her original joke, poorly. They really need to have someone editing her every word at all times.
Last weekend Ali planted a bunch of seeds that I bought for the garden. She was surprised when I called her out last night to look at them. A ton of them had already germinated. The corn and beets had sprouted the most followed by the lettuce and broccoli. We also have a tomato plant , eggplant and snow pea plants started in the garden already. I really hope we can successfully grow them all the way to a bountiful harvest. Our garden track record has been poor so far. Typically the plants start off like gang busters and then insects move in and destroy them. I need to try to stay on top of the crop with regular spraying of insecticidal oil and BT.
I’m almost through Season 3 of Battlestar Galactica. I’m not sure if season four is out on DVD yet but if it is I won’t rent it yet. I need a bit of a break. In the last few weeks I probably have watched upwards of 30 episodes.
My one Roomba has developed a problem with charging the battery. This is a common problem with the 400 series and is caused by the failure of two MOSFETS on the PCB. I bought replacement MOSFETS and yesterday I worked on disassembling the robot. I followed the “Discovery Breakdown” instructions illustrated here. It is a 29 step process. It is a rather complicated disassembly and as part after part was yanked out and set on my desk my confidence in my ability to get it all back together correctly diminished. Well I finally get to the point where I can pull out the board. I see one more connector on the base of it so I yank on it quickly to disconnect it. By this point in the process I had already disconnected a dozen or so other similar connectors. It seems resistant to my effort so I pull a bit harder. I manage to rip three of the seven wires in the connector. I swear out loud as I take a closer look at the connector to see what the F was up. If I would have looked at the illustrations closer, I would have noticed that the “connector” is actually permanently affixed to the board. I was so pissed that I was at the last step of the disassembly process and NOW I f’d it up.
So I did some quick research as to what that connector was for. It turns out it is for the external serial interface which is not essential for the robot to operate. So I simply cut the cable off. John is going to attempt the actual MOSFET replacement on the PCB. He has more soldering experience than me as well as having better soldering tools. Even if he would screw it up it doesn’t really matter. I can get a replacement board for about $40-45 bucks if need be. I just thought it would be cool to fix it for $6 instead. I’m not looking forward to trying to put it all back together.
No time to write today. This forward makes a sad but very valid point.
McCain & Obama
What if John McCain were a former president of the Harvard Law Review? What if Barack Obama finished fifth from the bottom of his graduating class?
What if McCain were still married to the first woman he said ‘I do’ to?
What if Obama were the candidate who left his first wife after she no longer measured up to his standards?
What if Michelle Obama were a wife who not only became addicted to pain killers, but acquired them illegally through her charitable organization? What if Cindy McCain graduated from Harvard?
What if McCain were a charismatic, eloquent speaker?
If these questions reflected reality, do you really believe the election numbers would be as close as they are?
This is what racism does. It covers up, rationalizes and minimizes positive qualities in one candidate and emphasizes negative qualities in another when there is a color difference.
You are The Boss… which team would you hire?
With America facing historic debt, 2 wars, stumbling health care, a weakened dollar, all-time high prison population, mortgage crises, bank foreclosures, etc.
Educational Background:
Obama: Columbia University – B.A. Political Science with a Specialization in International Relations.
Harvard – Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude
University of Delaware – B.A. in History and B.A. in Political Science.
Syracuse University College of Law – Juris Doctor (J.D.)
United States Naval Academy – Class rank: 894 of 899
Hawaii Pacific University – 1 semester
North Idaho College – 2 semesters – general study
University of Idaho – 2 semesters – journalism
Matanuska-Susitna College – 1 semester
University of Idaho – 3 semesters – B.A. in Journalism
Now, which team are you going to hire ?
PS: What if Barack Obama had an unwed, pregnant teenage daughter…
I have had issues with my blog getting hacked. As much as I like WordPress, I don’t think they do a great job of making it very secure out of the box. I had my entire hosting site hacked as a result and later discovered some phishing files sitting out in my uploads directory. There are lots of articles on how to do secure WordPress. I just wanted to list a few simple changes I made to help minimize security holes.
First I created an .htaccess file and put it in the root of my WP installation. It simply reads like this:
# Prevents directory listing
Options -Indexes
I uploaded this file to the root of my WordPress install and then set permissions on it to 644. This change makes it impossible for malicious hackers to do a directory listing of any of your blog directories which could expose possible vulnerabilities.
Next I made another .htaccess and put it into my UPLOADS folder. This one looks like this:
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from all
<Files ~ “\.(css|jpe?g|png|gif|js|bmp)$” >
Allow from all
Again after uploading the file, set it to 644 permissions. What this does is prevent anybody from accessing any files in the UPLOAD directories that shouldn’t be there.
Of course strong passwords on your WP admin account are a must in order to prevent brute force attacks. There are also changes you can make to limit the amount of attempts to lock out potential evil doers.
Once again our property had pretty much dried up and once again mother nature dumped buckets of water on us. 2.5″ of rain in a couple hours yesterday flooded out our property once again. I’m really ready for winter and the drier weather to start kicking in. The frogs last night were deafening.
Again I was tired last night, tired enough that I fell asleep on the couch for a little bit while I was trying to zip through more Battlestar Galactica episodes.
I watch way too much tv, I was trying to think of all the shows that I watch within a typical week right now. These are all that I can think of although some of them I only catch bits and pieces of like DWTS.
Dancing with the Stars
Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles
Biggest Loser
Kitchen Nightmares
Wife Swap
Ultimate Fighter
Thank god for Tivo which allows us to cut approximately 25-30% off the length of each show by bypassing commercials.
Wow what a disaster in the stock market yesterday because the bail out wasn’t rubber stamped. Sovereign Bank, where I was on site for several years as a net admin had their stock fall almost 70% yesterday, incredible. If I still had my Ameritrade account active I would be snapping up their stock en masse at less than $2.50 per.
I haven’t really heard exactly why the bail out was held up. I am curious what was in there that red flagged it. It’s amazing that Wall Street at this point basically assumes that the government is obligated to bail out all of these firms that buried themselves with bad business practices. It sets a very bad precedent.
It’s ironic that the bill was basically defeated by Republicans. The bill pushed by Bush, pushed by McCain, killed by Republicans in congress looking to CYA. (cover your ass) The bottom line is this bill is not viewed favorably by American voters, regardless of the party. The politicans that are up for election this year don’t want a big red X against them by voting for it.
I’ve read that since the latest financial cluster f started that Obama picked up a few points in the polls. I don’t quite understand how fickle some people’s opinions seem to be when it comes to their presidential candidate.
Remember that post from Friday that was a forward from my mom that stated that if you split the 85 billion buyout for AIG among the 200 million adults in the United States it would work out to $425,000 per adult. Well it was later pointed out to me that if you plug these numbers into a calculator you would see the number actually works out to $425 per person, a monumental difference. I guess it was my bad for trusting that the originator of this email would have done the math correctly.
So I watched the entire debate Friday night and it went pretty much as expected. To me Obama came off as more educated and in better command of the facts than McCain. Obama did a masterful job of disarming McCain attacks and delivering a back handed smack across the face with out missing a beat. McCain was constantly referring to his notes and made efforts to wedge in his keywords wherever possible, even in many situations where it wasn’t relevant. He had to use “maverick” several times as well as several other catch phrases that served no purpose other than to try paint him in a manner that contrasted to the old, tired man that stood there.
It seemed to me like more often than not when asked a question McCain would not make much of an effort to answer it and instead went back to the cue cards to repeat the same beaten to death, often inaccurate statements that his campaign is relying on to try to make the public afraid of Obama.
Several times during the debate Obama was courteous enough to offer compliments to McCain on various issues that he agreed with him about. McCain offered no such courtesy to Obama. Many times Obama tried to directly engage McCain but McCain would not look at him, instead alternating from stupid looking grins to looking back down to his cue cards. To me Obama came off as much more presidential. As the night went on McCain looked more and more like a sleestack. Maybe he should have drank more water.
I was surprised when the commentators afterward said they thought BOTH candidates did well. However I’m not sure if I ever saw network news say one candidate sucked balls. I don’t think they are allowed to show any inclination either way.
I can hardly wait for the VP debate. If you heard Sarah Palin in the Katie Couric interview you now realize that she is basically a pretty version of Dan Quayle. She sounded absolutely moronic at times. Joe Biden should eat her up.
Saturday morning I went outside to start on the first chore of my large mental list. I attended to the garden which was f’ing mess since the storm blew the newspaper all over the place. After pulling all the wet paper off the fencing I had to weed the area. I found myself getting very annoyed that the garden has been empty since I spent all that time and effort to expand it. So just like that a switch flipped and I decided today was the day I was going to go buy some dirt to get the garden going. I certainly didn’t need another chore to do but I just wanted the garden to become something other than a source of weeds.
So I tell Ali my plans and head off to Home Depot. I load up the flat bed with 10 bags of mulch and 20 bags of dirt, 10 of which were these 2 cubic foot bags of Miracle Grow garden soil. They weigh a freaking ton, at least 60-70 pounds if I were to estimate. It was not fun at all trying to stack those in place. By the time I had everything in the bed of the truck my Tacoma become a low rider with the ass end sitting very low from all of the weight.
Once I got home we ate lunch and then headed outside to get back to work. Lugging all the bags once again was not much fun at all. I didn’t have enough to fill the area as much as I want but it was enough to at least cover up all of low areas that I dug out. After dumping and spreading all of the mulch and dirt I decided I wanted to attach weed block along the bottom of the composite lumber border to prevent grass and weeds from growing up and under the border from outside. Doing so meant I had to dig out around the entire border and attach the weed block in sections 3 foot long at a time. By the time I was done I was a mud covered mess.
Although I was already beat there was more to do. While Ali mowed the grass I did a quickie weed whacking run and then turned my attention to the garage door. I bought a replacement seal for it. I replaced the garage door seal a few years ago but over that time the rubber shrunk, allowing gaps of a couple inches on either side that provided easy access for water and various creatures. So I ripped out the old seal and started sliding in the new one. If you have ever done this job you know it is tedious. You basically slide the ends of the rubber seal into the two slots that run across the bottom of the door and start sliding it across. The first few feet are easy, after that it sucks. Trying to do it yourself is brutal because you can’t pull on the end AND thread it at the beginning at the same time. You have to thread a couple inches and then pull a couple inches time and time again.
Well finally I had enough and decided to wait until Ali was done mowing to help me. I got it threaded about half way on my own. Once she parked the tractor I had her come up to the garage. Her job was to be the threader and I was the puller. The further across you get with the seal, the tougher it is to pull so I decided to utilize a pliers to assist in the pulling task. After some initial problems we had a good system going, I was about a foot from the end. I pulled hard on the pliers, leaning into it with my body weight, as I did all of a sudden the rubber seal rips and my left hand goes flying into the track of the garage door. I look at my left thumb and see what looks to be a deep slice. I think the bone in my thumb is the only thing that stopped it.. The blood started to flow freely moments later. Ali didn’t know how bad I cut myself but once she saw it she gave me something to hold on the wound until we got inside. I knew the cut was deep, deep enough that stitches would probably be in order. I also knew that going to an emergency room for stitches was the last thing I wanted to do, hell the garage door seal wasn’t even done yet.
So I rinsed the cut off inside and then jammed a paper towel on it while Ali got our first aid supplies. It was really bleeding a lot, the paper towel got very red, very fast. We had some steri-strips in there that she used to help hold the cut together. Then she gooped on Neosporin and several layers of gauze and bandages. I could see that they were getting pretty bloody as well but it was good enough for me. I was willing to give it some time to see if it closes up on it’s own. We immediately went back outside where I donned a pair of leather work gloves to finish the project. We managed to get the seal pulled all the way through. No, I didn’t utilize a pliers to finish the job. The rest of the night I was paranoid about the cut, worrying it would open up if I did the wrong thing. Luckily it seemed to stay intact.
We tried to get to bed early since we had to get up at 4am to time the race. I hadn’t bothered to look at the forecast for Sunday until Saturday evening. I was alarmed when I saw a 50% chance of rain. Rain greatly complicates timing a race. Naturally electronic equipment and computers do not take kindly to getting wet.
I drug myself out of bed at 4 and we were out the door by 4:45. On the way to the site we went through some light rain which did nothing to make me feel better. The light rain continued until about an hour before race time. Luckily, since this was a 20K race I had time until I needed to tape the timing lines to the road. I did so about 15 minutes before the first runner crossed. The timing went well. Timing a 20K is easier than a 5k because the runners finish in a much more spread out manner instead of in huge clusters.
Out of the 300+ runners we had about 6 that didn’t register a time when they crossed which I was able to quickly enter manually. I had very few people come up to me with any questions or problems with the posted results which again was very nice. The downside of timing a 20k is they are long. The last runner crossed over three hours after the start. It made for a long morning as we didn’t get to leave the race site until close to 11. We timed it just right, the rain started in earnest just after the race and continued on steady all day long. That would have sucked if it happened a couple hours earlier.
The new ties that we got to attach the chips with did their job, we didn’t a lose a single chip. However I still saw tons of people before the race struggling to figure out how to attach the chip. I really don’t understand why some people found it so hard to comprehend.
After the race even though Ali and I were both beat from getting up so early and busting ass the day prior, we followed up by going to Ali’s gym. She had suggested to me that she wanted me to show her a 300 workout. So even though a 300 was the last thing I felt like doing I wasn’t going to dismiss an opportunity to show Ali the routine. One thing I quickly found out was that my shit hole gym was much better suited for the work out than this place. There is limited floor space to do any ad-lib exercises and it almost felt like doing anything outside the lines of conventional exercise would be frowned upon. The place is just very “sterile”.
So I took Ali through the routine, albeit a shorter, easier version of it. Ali is in the middle of rehab for a bad knee so she was limited on what and how much she could do. By the time we wrapped it up I was breathing heavy and sweating while Ali looked like she wasn’t worked much at all. I told her I felt bad because she couldn’t really get the feel for the routine unless she is able to do weights and reps to the point where she is truly tired. I told her the 300 is all about intensity. If you aren’t gasping for air during it, you aren’t trying hard enough to push yourself. Maybe once her knee is better we can give it another try.
By the time we got home it was almost 1 pm. I was so f’ing tired. I was tired enough that after lunch I did something so rare that I can probably count the times I did it in the past 5 years on my hands, I took a nap. I knew the Eagles were on at 8:15 and knew that there was no way I would be able to stay awake to watch them if I didn’t take at least a small snap, I was just exhausted.
The nap was short, about 90 minutes or so but it felt like it helped my energy level at least a little bit. Napping meant I had to get right into doing whatever else was left to do around the house like finishing up the processing of the race results, putting the equipment away and sweeping the house. I realized how much I dislike timing a race on a Sunday, it just feels like it cuts the weekend off at the knees.
So even with the nap I was unable to stay awake for the entire Eagles game. I fell asleep towards the end of the third quarter. The game was back and forth tight but I didn’t have a good feeling when I went to sleep. It seemed like the Birds were just blowing too many opportunities. Akers missing field goals, getting no points off of turnovers, dropping punts…. It all just seemed doomed for failure and indeed it was with the Eagles losing to a team they should beat, 24-20. I mean come on, you lose to Kyle Orton? Well whatever, once again my Eagle expectations are readjusted downward. Next week they play the Skins, they really need to win that game.
I got some pictures up. First are the pictures from the South Beach vball tourney. Then there are some pictures of a bunch of ibis that were hanging out at our place as well as a few pics of my recent projects added on to the office painting project page.
This is too funny to not share. The funniest thing is this isn’t that far of a stretch.
When I bought my refurb Maestro 4040 I had no idea that it was a Windows CE device that is hackable. I discovered this as I searched around for a way to unlock the voice command feature without forking out an additional $99.
You are able to turn the Maestro into a PDA rather easily. All of the information I used was found by reading this thread. When plugged into your computer with the included USB cable, the files on it become available as one big flash drive, making modification extremely simple.
As you can see in the included pictures I now have the ability to watch movies, play solitaire, listen to MP3’s and various other functions on top of using the included GPS functionality. The SD card slot comes in handy to load up movies or MP3’s. The final set up works very well albeit there are a few bugs. To complete the hack I basically had to rename one file and copy a couple directories and files over to the device. After doing so, the unit reboots and BAM, it’s hacked. Of course before tweaking with the unit I backed up everything to my local PC just in case things blew up. If you have a Maestro 4040, or another Maestro model, you can DL the files I used for the hack here. Of course there is no guarantee of your success. I don’t know if this will work on other Maestro models or not.
This gives you a wake up call of just how MASSIVE this buy out plan is. I wish I thought of it. Forwarded to me from mommy.
I’m against the $85,000,000,000.00 bailout of AIG.
Instead, I’m in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to America in
a We Deserve It Dividend.
To make the math simple, let’s assume there are 200,000,000
bonafide U.S. Citizens 18+.
Our population is about 301,000,000 +/- counting every man, woman
and child. So 200,000,000 might be a fair stab at adults 18 and up..
So divide 200 million adults 18+ into $85 billon that equals $425,000.00.
My plan is to give $425,000 to every person 18+ as a
We Deserve It Dividend.
Of course, it would NOT be tax free.
So let’s assume a tax rate of 30%.
Every individual 18+ has to pay $127,500.00 in taxes.
That sends $25,500,000,000 right back to Uncle Sam.
But it means that every adult 18+ has $297,500.00 in their pocket.
A husband and wife has $595,000.00.
What would you do with $297,500.00 to $595,000.00 in your family?
Pay off your mortgage housing crisis solved.
Repay college loans what a great boost to new grads
Put away money for colleg e it’ll be there
Save in a bank create money to loan to entrepreneurs.
Buy a new car create jobs
Invest in the market capital drives growth
Pay for your parent’s medical insurance health care improves
Enable Deadbeat Dads to come clean or else
Remember this is for every adult U S Citizen 18+ including the folks
who lost their jobs at Lehman Brothers and every other company
that is cutting back. And of course, for those serving in our Armed Forces.
If we’re going to re-distribute wealth let’s really do it…instead of trickling out
a puny $1000.00 ( “vote buy” ) economic incentive that is being proposed by one of our candidates for President.
If we’re going to do an $85 billion bailout, let’s bail out every adult U S Citizen 18+!
As for AIG liquidate it.
Sell off its parts.
Let American General go back to being American General.
Sell off the real estate. Let the private sector bargain hunters cut it up and clean it up.
Here’s my rationale. We deserve it and AIG doesn’t.
Sure it’s a crazy idea that can “never work.”
But can you imagine the Coast-To-Coast Block Party!
How do you spell Economic Boom?
I trust my fellow adult Americans to know how to use the $85 Billion
We Deserve It Dividend
And remember, The plan only really costs $59.5 Billion because $25.5 Billion is returned
instantly in taxes to Uncle Sam. pass this along to your pals as it’s either good for a laugh
or a tear or a very sobering thought on how to best use $85 Billion!!
I’ve been called lots of derogatory things over the years but surprisingly two of the adjectives that got me the most angry were “nonchalant” (what does it mean if you are chalant?) and lackadaisical. Both of these adjectives were used to describe me by my baseball coach when I was 15.
I was one of the main figures on the team as I was one of our good pitchers and hitters. As a result I may have carried a bit of attitude that accompanied my baseball skills. When I wasn’t pitching I played either first base or outfield. Well one day at practice I was taking grounders at first, after fielding the ball we were supposed to throw to third. Well the coach hit the ball to me and I threw it over to third. Well the coach didn’t like the way I made the play and he yelled something about being “lackadaisical”. Well I didn’t like being called out by the coach in front of the entire team. It embarrassed me. So the next grounder that is hit to me I snag and FIRE at the third basement as hard as I could. The ball could have broken the third baseman’s hand if he caught it wrong, it was smoked. The coach paused for a second after the throw and then yells out ‘Now THAT’s the way to throw the ball!”
Another time I was playing center field in a game. A fly ball came out to me and I caught it but I guess somehow it looked like I wasn’t hustling to the ball. When I came back from the field again the coach gives me an earful, bitching about me looking “nonchalant” out there. I was like, what the f, I caught the ball… Well again this got my blood boiling. Later in the game there was a ball hit deep into the gap that I caught after a long sprint, it easily saved what would could have been a triple or home run. I followed up by hitting a towering home run into the creek later in the game, probably the longest home run I ever hit. Nonchalant that you motherf’r.
I always had a love/hate relationship with that coach. He knew I had talent and potential if for no other reason than I was a tall lefty. I knew he knew what he was talking about since he was in the Dodger’s minor league system. He made great efforts to help coach and train me. He pushed me hard and I resented him for it then. When I went through my debacle after high school of dropping out of college and walking away from a partial baseball scholarship as a result, I knew he thought I was a stupid piece of shit for doing so. I actually played under him one more time in Legion ball. However I had a much smaller role on that team due to arm problems and his general disregard for me.
I have a much greater appreciation of him now than I did then.