OMG the most WILD St Patties Day EVER!
Woops I meant to say MILD, well actually non-existent would be a better word. To be honest I totally forgot it was Saint Patrick’s Day until I saw a bunch of women at the office wearing green. Despite my name which is about as Irish as you can get, St Patty’s Day has never been a big deal for me. Hell to be honest I don’t remember ever doing any drinking on the holiday. Maybe once or twice when I was on my drinking binge stage in my first marriage. I can tell you for sure in the last decade I haven’t drank on the holiday. I just have never felt an urge to celebrate the day. Green beer has never touched my lips.
When I posted my non-celebration of the day on Facebook I was quickly vilified. Speaking of Facebook, I am amazed at how many old high school classmates I have found on there. Most of the people I have not seen or heard from since graduation back in 1985. It’s sort of weird though, for the most part you become Facebook friends with the person but there is no direct communication between you. Most people, including myself, are mostly interested in seeing pictures of the other person to see how they held up after 25 years and to read their info to see what they are doing with themselves nowadays. After that you rarely if ever look at the person unless they are active on Facebook so you see their updates. It is interesting to see the path people have followed. Some went as expected, some were totally off the script. Of course when I see a classmate that has gained 100 pounds, lost their hair or has aged poorly it is hard to not cringe a bit.