
I rarely take a leak at the gym but today I did.  I wish I didn’t.  As I turned the corner to head to the urinals I was greeted by the mostly bare, wrinkled ass of a 5 foot tall old man.  He was standing at one of the urinals. Instead of pulling down the front of his shorts with one hand and steering his junk with the other he preferred to pull his shorts down to the point where 2/3 of his crack was showing and his free hand was above his head, supporting the wall.  I mean wtf is that about? 

I have seen people do this pose before at a urinal and I believe without fail they are almost always old.  I don’t understand what is going on there.  I can almost guarantee the little old dude performed the spit in the urinal move as well, something else I never understood. Is it good luck?  Does the sound of spit hitting the water trigger the urination process?  People are weird.