Yawn, 21st century washing

Another bad sleep experience last night.  I woke up at 3am and didn’t fall back asleep until much later.  I slept through over a half hour of the radio playing this morning.  In a related story, Ali told me she had a dream that I went over to confront a noisy neighbor.  Sounds pretty realistic.  However in the dream I went into the confrontation wearing a tuxedo coat, top hat and a Speedo.  Nice to know I am not the only one with f’d up dreams in the house.

Today we get our high capacity, front loading, filled with buttons and leds washer / dryer.  Ali took the day off to facilitate the delivery.  Although it’s not nearly as exciting as what I would imagine if I was taking delivery of a Camaro, it’s cool all the same.  I have no doubt I will be participating more regularly in laundry processing.  Now if the washer/dryer had a wireless NIC I could monitor their status over the internet in real time. 

Last night I was watching some impressive deadlifting by some prisoners in the jail gym.  For some reason Ali thought this was odd.