Not everything

As I have pointed out in the past I don’t make any effort to toe the line under strict political guidelines. The headlines recently were about the strict immigration laws passed in Arizona where illegal immigration has run rampant for years.  Arizona has taken things into their own hands, enacting tough reform while the federal government continues to spin their wheels on getting anything done.

For decades there has been a quiet tug of war going on.  The public for the most part is outraged at the blatant disregard illegal immigrants have for our laws that dictate their presence in our country.  However politicians for the most part have tried to sweep this under the rug, promising action and delivering none.  There are a couple reasons for this in my opinion.

The Hispanic population in America is exploding thanks to the general disregard for any sort of birth control in their culture, thanks catholicism! This large group of individuals are collecting more and more political clout, hence politicians are more and more wary to step on their toes.

Second, companies that enjoy padding their bottom lines by employing illegal immigrants at below minimal wage don’t want their labor force impacted.  Low wages = high profits, it’s simple math.

Well anyway, Arizona passed a law that enacts some of the toughest enforcement in the nation when it comes to dealing with illegal immigrants.  Despite my general firm support of Obama, I part ways when it comes to this issue.  Obama has condemned the legislation as too severe.  I on the other hand welcome it.

The issue seems very cut and dry to me.  If the first action you do when entering our country is to break the law, I don’t want you here.