Dime on the dollar

The other day we got a letter from some woman out in California regarding the two lots we own in Lehigh Acres.  She identified herself as a land wholesaler that offers less than retail dollars but makes the process very fast and pain free.  I figured I would give her a call, I had nothing to lose.

Few of you probably remember that during the real estate boom Ali and I jumped on the bandwagon.  We purchased two 1/4 acre lots in Lehigh Acres, which at the time was viewed as the next high growth area  in SW Florida.  We bought the lots towards the end of 2004.

During the first 6 months of ownership we looked like geniuses.  At some point we could have easily sold both lots for more than double what we paid.  I had grand illusions of using the profit from these lots to pay off our house and be mortgage free by 40.  Well the way things were skyrocketing we figured we should just hold on and enjoy the ride.

Well we held on for the ride, the ride straight down.  Ali and I try to not think about those lots much these days.  Instead we just quietly hope for the market to recover, someday.

Well this letter forced us to think about it.  I called the woman and gave her the information on our lots.  She said she would call me back in a day or two.  She returned the call yesterday and gave me the official offer.  I tried not to laugh.  The offer was less than 10% of what we paid.  She mentioned that selling at a loss would allow us to write that investment loss off on taxes.

I thanked her for her time.  I checked with my accountant.  I could spend the next 16 years writing off the loss.  His advice was unless I desperately needed the cash from the ridiculously lowball offer I should just hold the land.  I’m taking his advice.

Yesterday at the gym I decided I would run on the treadmill to give my suddenly painful elbows and shoulder a rest.  Well I stopped after two miles as I was feeling some unpleasant sensations in my right knee.  After I got home I had a couple of those “oh shit” moments when I stepped in such a way that sent a bolt of pain through the knee.  I haven’t had that happen in a LONG time.   So now I am back to carefully picking and choosing exactly what I can do in my exercise routine without further aggravating the various hot spots, the list is rather small right now.

I watched the last part of the 1983 V mini-series last night.  I liked it.  Netflix is pretty damn cool.

I’m on the second full day since I replaced the MAF sensor on the Tacoma.  The check engine light has remained dark.