Ugly illness

I left work early Wednesday and was home yesterday with some sort of nasty cold we evidently brought back with us from the trip.  Alison has the exact same thing, it has been pretty miserable.

It started out early in the week with my throat feeling sore and raw.  It then moved into a dry, repetitive cough.  Then the endless runny nose started.  Then the cough went from dry to a disgusting flem variety. Now I am in the stage of lethargy with pain in my muscles, specifically across my lower back.

While I was home yesterday I tried to maintain some small level of productivity.  I was working on the new timing equipment that was delivered during our trip.  This hardware is eventually targeted to be used to do chip starts with our bigger races, giving runners a more accurate time. I have been spending a good amount of time familiarizing myself with the new hardware and learning how to integrate it into our timing procedures.

I really dislike feeling sick.  Feeling weak and being unable to do what I want to do drives me nuts.

Thank goodness Irene changed paths and missed Florida (although I wish it went further east to miss everything), our property is already a sopping wet mess as is.  I really dislike this time of year where the yard develops small ponds of water with 2 foot high grass jetting out of it.  Everything looks ratty.

This weekend we have a race to time, yay.  I am hoping I can flush this junk out of my system and start feeling normal by next week.