Mitt is shit, Race to the end, have to have health

So Mitt coasted to an easy win in the Florida primary.  It’s hard to believe that he is going to wind up being what the republican throws out there as their candidate.  To me it seems like a horrible fit.  Not only does he have a track record that has more parallels to Obama than most conservatives would like he also represents exactly what so many in America are protesting against, the filthy, filthy rich elitists.  The cherry on top is he is a, GASP, MORMON!  The whacky religious conservatives aren’t going to like that either.

Yesterday I watched Obama’s YouTube town hall which was close to an hour of Q&A with regular people as well as questions collected leading up to the event.  The questions were diverse and solid, they weren’t simply tossing Obama softballs.  The President whom often gets mocked (falsely in my opinion) as being a great speaker only when the words are written down for him did a good job of fielding the questions and being honest in his responses with not a teleprompter in sight.

Despite his shortcomings of his term so far, mostly being too soft when it came to republican temper tantrums, I still like the man.  He is self deprecating, not afraid to admit he has made some mistakes unlike the prior babbling buffoon whom hid behind God mandates for his poor decisions and wars built on lies.

I have no doubt that Obama’s heart is in the right place. If you use an unbiased eye and take a logical look at what he was handed as an incoming President, I don’t think it would be a stretch to say it was the worst situation any President has inherited since WWII or maybe even the Depression era. Take a look at the video and see if you agree.

The January Bar-barian challenge came to a close yesterday.  It was quite the hectic month because Zef offered up Bar-barian t-shirts to the winners of the different competitions.  This month the challenge is to see if you can complete 50 pull ups and 100 push ups within 5 minutes.

Yesterday was my step mom’s birthday.  I gave her a call to wish her a happy one.  We were talking about a health issue she has been dealing with recently.  My step mom has always been very active and healthy, this is the first real major health issue she has faced.

She said it really made her appreciate the old adage “If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything”  No matter what else you have going for you in the material world, if your health fails it all reveals itself as being built on paper foundations, it crumbles away in importance.

This lesson is something for some reason I have learned and lived by for a couple decades without requiring a health scare to turn on the light bulb, well that and a fear of old age and death if I am being totally honest.

I am just constantly amazed when I look around the world at how many people are completely oblivious to what traps they are placing in their future by continuing to abuse their health willingly at a break neck pace.  It is those people that I find myself unable to find hardly a speck of sympathy for when they start to complain of the results of their actions, or inaction more accurately.