Screening mad

Our neighbors are in the process of getting their house Rhinoshielded.  Evidently Sadie found it impossible to contain her excitement about all of the people next door and tore a hole in yet another section of screen.  In addition to this I saw the panel in the door was once again loose from the result of her head butting it.

Last night I decided to get the repair out of the way.  The panel was a bit of a pain in the ass to fix because of the rose bush in front of part it and the hold down wire that crosses in front of it.  It wasn’t one of my cleanest looking repairs but it is “good nuf”.

The old screen is just brittle at this point.  I am hoping the Super Screen I have been replacing it with holds up better.

Ali has been bringing home a ton of boxes in preparation for her move.  Our dining room is now stuffed with boxes waiting to be filled.

The boxes are the first real visual sign of the impending major change that is rapidly approaching.

In preparation of our sofa and leather chair following Ali to her new place I have started looking at used furniture on Craigslist to replace it.  I’d like to get a a big sectional to fill the space.  The biggest issue will be transporting it.  No sectional will fit in my Tacoma without multiple trips.

A lot of people are not only surprised by the fact that Ali and I are separating, they are surprised even more by how we have been keeping things pretty much status quo since making the decision.  Our routine, thus far, has not changed much.  We still are sharing the same bed and carrying on almost like nothing is changing.  Yea I guess it is sort of odd but it feels fine to me(us).

This weekend I am still planning to pile the dogs in the van in the early AM and drive across the state to support Ali in the Nautica triathlon.  Again, this could be viewed as weird by some.

I never claimed to be normal.