
So we are coming up to one week to go before we move Ali to her new place.  We have been trying to work through the various details for how things will work in the short term.  I am confident that we will be able to handle any issues that come up, that is what we do.

One of those details is how I am going to configure Ali’s computer to function as a remote participant in my local home network.  I am going to mess around with using Microsoft’s remote access features to try to tie everything together.  It is a feature I haven’t had much experience with so it will serve double duty as a learning opportunity.

My new financial reality makes me look at everyday expenses in a whole new light, for instance when I filled up the SSR today.  Not only does the Corvette motor in the truck require expensive, high octane gas, it also has a HUGE gas tank, I am guessing it is close to 25 gallons.  Dropping 82 bucks to fill it used to be an event that would not cause a second of pause.  That is not the case any longer.

This money awareness has already affected other behaviors.  Around the house I am much more conscious of leaving lights on, computers unattended but turned on and any other activity that could be unnecessarily sucking money out of my pocket.

The trip across the alley in the party van to watch Ali’s race now has a price tag associated with it as I imagine the gas costs to push the 16 year old party van back and forth across the state.  It is just the way things are going to have to be, unconscious spending is no longer a luxury either of us can afford.

Besides Ali’s race on Sunday and the regular house chores, I am sure this weekend will be the official start to packing.  Ali has at least 50 boxes in the dining room waiting to be filled.

I have still found myself to be in cylon mode recently, not feeling any of the waves of emotion that hit me the first couple days after we decided to separate.  I told Ali that maybe it is because I am focused on the logisitics of what has to happen to make it all go down.  Maybe it is just a self defense mechanism.