Reversing the heat, prickly poll

Yesterday Obama made a statement that lit up the headlines regarding the Supreme Court and their potential to overturn the health care legislation that was passed through congress.  The bullseye line was mentioning that an unelected group of individuals such as Supreme Court justices, should not be involved in determining law that has gone through the full legislative process.  He also mentioned that if this would happen, it would go firmly against past GOP policies decrying “judicial activism”.  For conservatives to support this move would be pure hypocrisy.

One of my buddies, who dislikes pretty much any and all things Obama, sent me the link to the story, presumably because he thought this somehow reflected negatively upon Obama.  Ironically I think it does exact the opposite.  I am glad to see Obama not back down from this fight, something he has done entirely too often during his term thus far.

Let’s not even take the health care law into consideration for now.  How stupid is it that supreme court justices are appointed, LIFETIME positions?  Very.  It makes absolutely no sense why a sitting presidents decision on a supreme court justice can have lasting effects years or even decades after that president has left office.

To me a supreme court justice should be on the same election schedule as presidential elections. They should come in and potentially go out with each administration.

Kudos to Obama for putting a light on the stupidity of our higher court system selection process, regardless of what decision they come to on health care.

After many, many, many months I posted a new blog poll about a subject that typically is tread lightly upon, religion.  Feel free to post your your vote on what role religion has for you in today’s society.  It won’t take long by viewing some of the choices I have made available that personally, I am not a big fan…