The Clapper, Marlins Day

Last night after work I was debating if I wanted to go out to my backyard bar park and try to do the 1/2 BBR set that got rained out Sunday.  I wasn’t feeling all that positive mentally. Just eating dinner and sitting down at the computer was sounding like a very attractive alternative.

Well after some angry self talk from my inner task master I eventually grabbed my gear and headed outside.

I’ll cover details of the attempt in Dufisthenics, but let’s just say I was not successful in hitting my goal.  The funniest part of it was after I was too tired to complete even one of the required three muscle ups at the end, I clapped my hands together in frustration so hard that it sounded like a gunshot.

It is a move I usually reserve for the volleyball court.

For dinner I went the healthy route, making another wrap stuffed with good stuff like tomatoes, hard boiled eggs, spinach, hummus, carrots, swiss cheese and mushrooms.  My biggest problem with the wraps are they are a mess to eat.  I pile so much stuff in them that when I go to eat it, half of it falls out.  Oh well, that’s what forks are for.

Today should be a fun day.  I get to drive over to the new Marlins Stadium for a tech seminar.  (like last year) After the seminar I get to watch the game from one of the suites.  I am looking forward to seeing the new ballpark.  I have heard mixed reviews about it, some saying it is great, others calling it hideous.  I will offer up my opinion tomorrow.

It will wind up being another late night drive across the alley but it’s nothing a cup or two of coffee can’t handle.