
Last night after making an attempt at Bar-baric mode of this month’s challenge I decided to do another juiced meal.  Last night’s juice included carrots from the garden and an apple from the orchard.  I mixed in some organic spinach, tomatoes and beets for good measure.  It wasn’t bad at all.

My Tivo was getting a bit backlogged so I burned through an episode of AGT and American Ninja Warrior.  The episode of ANW I watched had a 51 year old guy competing which was awesome and inspirational.

I have resumed my quest to watch 24.  I am currently in season 4 or 5.  The good news is I like the show, the bad news is it makes me stay up late, wanting to see what happens next.  You just have to love the creativity Jack Bauer possesses.

For example last night he had to find a way to delay a terrorist so satellites could be repositioned to track the bad guys location.  So in a pure stroke of genius, Jack decides to stage a fake hold up of a convenience store that the terrorist stopped at.  Jack never runs out of good ideas.

Tonight on the way home I am going to make up for my healthy dinner on Monday by stopping by a pizza place for dinner.  A girls running group that Ali is involved in is doing a fundraiser there, I figured I would stop by briefly to support it.