Catching up

Yesterday was a busy day so I didn’t have time to post.

Wednesday after work I did my second yoga class.  We had a young guy teach the class this time.  Well not that I was looking for more torture but this class was even tougher than the week prior.  For the most part I was able to hang but there are certain moves/holds I simply can not approach doing.

Part of the problem is my bad right knee.  After two arthroscopic surgeries I simply can not bend the joint back all that far before pain starts burning through it.  I am sure there are various hunks of scar tissue in there that are the culprit.  I also have very tight hips.  I can’t sit indian style, the hips and the right knee again are roadblocks to that position.

Once again I looked like I stepped out of a pool by the end of the class.  My mat felt like an ice rink from all the sweat.  Despite all the sweat and difficulty in not looking like a stiff, I am finding I enjoy the challenge of yoga and recognize the long term benefit if I stick with it.

So Thursday morning was my dermatologist appointment.  When I described the stinging sensation on my back when taking a shower he immediately zeroed in on a small area on my upper back that is red and scaly, one of the various ways basal cell skin cancer can appear.

He took a small sample to get biopsied to verify the diagnosis.  If it comes back positive then I head back in there to get the area “scraped and burned” , I can hardly wait.

Last night was my fantasy football draft party.  My boss, whom is as nice as they come, let me leave early so I could get home to do party prep which there was a lot of.

After moving a shitload of furniture around I tended to the numerous other small items that contribute to a well run party.  I ran out and picked up 5 pizzas, arriving back at the house right about 6, the time that I expected some people to start showing up, since the draft was supposed to start at 6:30.

Well no one showed up until about 10 till 7, and basically it was everyone at the same time.  They came bearing gifts of food and drink.  In no time my kitchen area was jammed with stuff.

Once again I used Skype to connect remote owners to the draft and once again I had some issues.  The ideal would be to get all 5 remote owners connected in via video feed.  However we wound up with only having two owners with video and the rest come in via an audio only connection due to bandwidth problems on their end.  It still worked out ok for the most part.

For whatever reason, the NFFL draft seems to consistently be my worst day of the year when it comes to absolute gluttony.  I ate so much food, none of it containing any significant nutritional value.  Pizza, chips, spanikopita, cookies, brownies, you name it, I shoved it down my mouth in large quantities.

Part of this behavior I know is triggered by alcohol.  I am convinced if I was a regular drinker I would be a huge fat ass.  For whatever reason if I drink, it turns off whatever part of my brain controls my normal eating meters.  It seems like I never feel full and I don’t give any thought to what type or how much food I am eating.  The day after this goes down I always feel awful and today is no exception.

As far as my draft goes, I think I have a decent team but, I always think I have a decent team.  I was excited to get LeSean McCoy as my  first pick.  As always, injuries and luck will play the biggest roles in my success this year, much more than skill as I put all of 30 seconds into my draft prep.

There was so much food/beer left after the draft and the guys basically left all of it for me.  I have two and a half pizzas and other smaller food items as well as at least two cases of various beer.  I have no idea how long it will take to go through all of it.  This morning I dropped off one of the pizzas and some other non-meat items to Ali to cut down on the pile.

After the draft was over I tried to get the lionshare of the clean up done, leaving only a few large dishes to clean tonight.  Unfortunately that meant I didn’t collapse into bed until almost midnight.

Instead of sleeping solidly through the night I woke up in the wee hours of the morning from a disturbing dream.  I was somewhere outside with Tommy, the cool guy that hooks me up with Eagles memorabilia.

Well he was by his vehicle, but there was also a large bear by his vehicle.  Tommy decided to reach out to the bear and try to pet it like you would a dog.  Well the bear did not find the action pleasing.  It stood up on it’s back legs,  making it taller than Tommy.

At first it looked like the bear was play wrestling, pulling at the sleeve of Tommy’s long sleeve shirt.  I yelled to Tommy to move away from the bear.  He just laughed and assured me the bear was just playing.

Well the bear was getting more and more aggressive, ripping the sleeve of the shirt clear off.  I knew this was not going to end well.

Tommy then did finally try to move away from the bear but he couldn’t, the bear was now basically attacking him.  As I started seeing blood appear on Tommy’s arm I grabbed a Lousiville Slugger that happened to be close by.  The dream ended as I was wailing on the bear and I woke up.  However for a long period of time every time I closed my eyes I was right back in the middle of the mauling, despite my attempts to mentally change the channel.  Moral of the story, don’t pet bears.

Unfortunately I get no break from my lack of sleep anytime soon.  Tomorrow morning I will be out of bed at 4:15 am to time a race.  The race also will retard my start to whatever I need to do this weekend.  On top of normal chores I need to attend to the two screen sections in the pool cage that were finished off by Isaac.

I am going to be running to my mom’s place sometime during the holiday weekend to do a few things for her as well.  I would like to get some cardio work in , maybe a bike/swim combo.  After eating like a pig last night I feel like a fat ass.

I don’t have any official Labor Day celebration plans and honestly that is fine.

Well I would have been quite thrilled to simply double my Google AdSense dollars from the prior month.  Doing so is an amazing bump.  Well I smashed through doubling July’s revenue of almost $33.  I am now getting in the range of TRIPLING that total, right now I am sitting at $82 in ad dollars for August with a day to go.

It really is amazing.  One thing I did notice looking at the numbers is evidently a lot of you are actually nice enough to click the harmless banner ad at the end of each post.  These clicks actually pay out at a higher rate than YouTube embedded ads so I thank anyone who has done this.