Just saying, don’t encourage environmental procrastination

So I saw more women pop up in the general sex scandals.  I also saw pictures of all females involved, including the wives of General Petraeus and Allen.

When you compare the pictures of the wives versus the alleged mistresses there is obviously  a stark contrast.  Do you think any news outlet would be bold enough to post a headline like “Survey says, generals prefer sexy 40 year olds to dumpy wives” The inverse can be true as well, Jill Kelly’s husband looks like he is built like a weeble wobble.

Today a friend of mine sent me a link  that talked about information cited by this woman regarding climate change.  She stated that overall global temperatures have plateaued for the last 15-16 years.  This is based on average temps collected from various worldwide monitoring locations.

My buddy loves to do this sort of thing, drop an internet link without offering a true opinion of his own.  Then when I react to it he raises his hands innocently and claims he didn’t say things were one way or the other, although obviously the intent is there.

In this case, the intent is to say that concerns about global warming are overblown and exaggerated.  Now unless you own a functional crystal ball, nobody really knows exactly how quickly global warming will negatively impact the planet. (ask New Yorkers their opinion) I compare it to fiscal forecasters that extrapolate numbers two decades in advance and then throw them out there as being reliable.  It’s a guess, an educated guess, but a guess at best.

However to me, when it comes to global warming there is one thing that can not be disputed.  Having 7 billion humans on the planet (and growing rapidly) adversely affects the climate.  Our consumption, pollution and manipulation of natural resources has tipped the balance of CO2 in our atmosphere.  Even this woman agrees on that simple premise, she just questions how quickly things are deteriorating.

The biggest problem with this sort of article is it encourages a “not now, we can worry about it later” attitude about the way we interact with the planet.  I can imagine no scenario where you could logically argue that shifting the world to an ever “greener” way of existing is a bad thing.

If I told you I know you are going to have cancer but if you made certain lifestyle changes, instead of contracting it at 35 years old, you will be able to retard it’s onset until you were 75, would you want to make those changes?   That sounds like a no brainer huh?  Well now apply that simple logic to this blue globe we all share.