The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, my superpower

After this weekend I will be able to claim myself all three titles above at one point or another in my life.  There were my Weis Market glory days as a meat cutter during my rudderless time as a young adult, the candlestick I made on a lathe in wood shop class in high school, and now a baker after I try to bake my first ever cake from scratch this weekend.

This isn’t just any cake I am going to be trying to make, it is THE chocolate cake.  I will be making both the cake and frosting from scratch following the recipe my mom has followed for decades.  I hope the end result is at least edible.

I am not sure if I ever talked about my super power on the blog before, I may have, but if I did it was a long time ago so it might be new to you.  I turn off street lights.

I have this weird effect on street lights where they turn off when I pass by them.  Now of course this doesn’t happen all the time, if it did I would probably be turned into some sort of military weapon by the government.  However it happens regularly enough that I can’t believe it is a coincidence.

I first started taking notice of this super power in my early 30’s.  I would be driving down the road and notice lights going out even though it was still pitch dark out or I would be walking down a sidewalk and all of a sudden be cast into darkness.

Now if I could only figure out a way to harness my power to for the greater good.  That is always the dilemma isn’t it?