Toxic ice, Forty f’ing five

Earlier in the week I cracked open my lunch box like I do everyday.  I poured some of my almond milk out of the same pint container into the same plastic cup that I use everyday.  I took a sip of the milk and immediately noticed a very odd, chemical smell.  It almost smelled like glue.

My senses were short circuited, the milk tasted ok but when I put my nose up to the cup and container they had the awful smell.  I figured I must have gotten a bad carton of almond milk.  I just hoped it didn’t make me sick so I poured the rest out.

When I got home I opened up the carton of almond milk and sniffed it.  Hmmmm, smells absolutely normal, wtf??  I threw the smelly cup and container in the dishwasher and ran it.  They emerged smell free.

I wasn’t quite sure where the toxic smell came from but it was gone now.

So the next day when I pull out lunch AGAIN the stink is back.  Ok, so I know it isn’t my cup, it isn’t my container and it isn’t the almond milk.  I realize it is the damn ice pack bag.  Evidently one of them sprung a small leak and was leeching fumes from whatever substance is inside them.  The fumes apparently will make plastic items stink like they came out of a tube of super glue, mystery solved.

I made about 100 cookies for the office Xmas party that is being held today.  To call it a “party” is sort of misleading.  To me, a Christmas party that is held during office hours and does not involve alcohol isn’t really a party at all.  This event is just basically a bunch of people stuffing their face and little else.  The only social interaction is when you are standing in line with your plate.  Oh well.

This Sunday is my 45th birthday.  To even type that out seems unbelievable.  How in the world can I be 45?  Every year I say the same thing about getting older, how each year feels like it goes faster than the last, getting old sucks, etc….

This year I will try to be a bit more positive in my reflection of the last year.  My 44th year has certainly been very eventful on a personal level with my separation going down.  It has been a learning experience on many levels.  From a physical perspective, despite my age, I set a ton of physical bests/firsts in the past year, a trend I hope to continue until I am brought to my knees by the relentless march of time . And of course from a mental perspective, I will always be the kid trapped inside an adult’s body.

Although I certainly can’t stop time, I can at least hang on the hands of the clock to slow it down a bit.  I might do a few pull ups while I am there.