Middle aged Charlie, bibby

I stumbled across this in my FB feed last night.  Being both a huge Peanuts fan and someone with a sense of humor, I found this to be hilarious.

After dinner I finally got around to messing with the bibs and timing chips we will be using for this years half marathon.  This year we are going with a bib based timing device instead of the reusable sneaker based chip.

Because of the size of this race (2000+) runners, handing out and collecting timing devices at the end can be very labor intensive and problematic.  With a bib based timing device we allow runners to totally avoid standing in line the day of the race if they pick their packet up early.  We also avoid the hassle of pulling chips off of 2000 feet at the finish line as well as the arduous task of sorting the chips afterward.

We had hoped this year to buy bibs that already had the timing device incorporated into them but they were unavailable at this time.  Instead we bought 3000 of the timing devices that have to be attached to our existing race bibs. It’s a trade off where you trade back end labor for front end prep.

I did a handful of bibs last night just to see how hard/easy the prep would be.  I came away realizing we are going to need a lot of help to get the job done.  The bib tags barely fit on the back of the race bib.  In order to fit they need to be very carefully placed between the holes utilized for safety pins.

I also need to scan each bib tag to make sure it is functional to minimize race day timing holes, which will take more time.

Luckily one of our board members who is more geographically centered than I am offered to let us use her house as the location for a bib preparation “party” this weekend.  It is going to be quite the production.

Last night I found myself in bed quite early, tired from my late night Homeland/Dexter session the night before.  I hardly flipped through a few pages of Wired before I turned off the light a little after 9.  Unfortunately I negated the early bed time by waking up several times during the night for prolonged periods of time, the first of which was at 12:45.  Each time I woke up it took awhile to get my brain to shut back down as things were dancing around in there.

A dream I had woke me up one of those times.  It was too horrible to even type out here.