Three totally unrelated subjects

This is a few days old but I have been meaning to comment on it.  Am I the only one that thinks it is bat shit crazy that the Ravens made Joe Flacco the highest paid player in the NFL?  Sure he had a good run at the end of the season but his NFL career clearly shows he is on the high end of mediocre or low end of good QB’s in the NFL.  I don’t get it.

Maybe I am jaded by what the Eagles did in 2010, throwing a mountain of cash at Mike Vick after 8 good games (followed by 24 not so good).    I think less of Joe Flacco for proclaiming he deserved Drew Brees type money.  Have some humility or at least let your agent say those type of statements.  Dumb ass, rich dumb ass that is.

There is this guy that started showing up at the gym  the past couple months.  He annoys me.  He is a short stocky type of guy with some tattoos.  He is a notorious half rep squatter, never getting his thighs past 45 degrees no matter if he is squatting 315 or 135.  However none of these things are the true annoyance.

He wears sunglasses in the gym.  Most of the time he has them propped up on his forehead but there are plenty of times, especially when he is squatting, that he is wearing them conventionally.  I have pondered why an individual would choose to wear sunglasses while they work out in the gym.  After much serious contemplation the only thing I could come up with was he is a douche bag.

For years I had a little guilty pleasure I would partake in, roughly once a week on my way home from work.  I would drive through the McDonalds that is on my way home and order the same thing each time, two hamburgers, a small fry (medium if I was feeling crazy) and a Diet Coke.    Yes, it went against the normal nutritional tenants I try to follow but I looked at it as a cheat day, and a pretty minor one at that.  One fast food meal a week isn’t going to hurt someone as active as I am.

Well anyway, when I decided to give up beef, pork and poultry last year I also was unintentionally giving up my McD fix.  For the most part I haven’t thought about it or missed it.  But for some reason today, it got into my head, probably because I heard a Filet O Fish commercial on the radio.

It made me realize that the FoF could be my new go to meal if would go to McD’s again.  I looked up the nutritional info on the sandwich and it actually isn’t too bad at all,  around 400 calories if you leave the defacto cheese and tartar sauce on it. If you drop both of those, which I would, it drops down to 270 calories.

Now don’t get me wrong, if this sounds like I am advocating McDonald’s patronage or suggesting it becomes a substantial part of anyone’s diet, I’m not.  Jeremy was quick to point out to me that regardless of the nutritional sins a Filet o Fish may or may not have, there are other reasons to not ever step foot in McDonalds, such as their existence being one of the primary reasons so much of the beef, pork and poultry that I choose not to eat, is consumed by hungry mouths around the world.

My eating a meal at McD’s would definitely qualify as a hypocritical act.  I wouldn’t argue that at all.  I just hope you wouldn’t argue with me when I suggest I am only joining the club that we all already belong to in one way or another.

Who knows, my McD urge may fade away but at least I have a plan if I do find myself walking under the golden arches sometime in the future.