Checking the oil
Today I had a physical, my first one in over 5 years. I really have a dislike of going to the doctor and have been lucky that I have a healthy history that hasn’t required me to visit doctors on a regular basis. Well the harsh reality is at 45 years old you NEED to get checked out now and then as a preventative measure.
The worst part of this for men that are approaching or past their 40th birthday is the adding of a DRE (digital rectal exam) to the physical. When I was younger I thought a “turn your head and cough” hernia check was bad enough. A DRE is the ultimate in male humiliation.
This was my second time enduring the procedure. If there is a small consolation, this time around it was not as painful as my initial foray into ass play. I just kept reminding myself that this guy does this same thing countless times, it’s like me sending an email. The probing was done in less than 10 seconds, thankfully.
In a couple weeks I will hear the results of the blood work. I am hoping I can wait another 5 years until having to submit to the humiliation once again.
Today is the one year anniversary of when I announced my marital separation on the blog. I can not a believe 365 days have raced by already…