Plane came, 620, MY bed, made money, playing the lottery

1170720_10152416051352841_340895402_n[1]I was surprised to see my 32″ Tuffwing showed up at the door yesterday since I only ordered it Sunday.  I have never built a RC plane from this point before.  All of my other plane have either been RTF(ready to fly) or ARF(almost ready to fly) or built by someone else (Mike). I am looking forward to the challenge.

I already watched a how to video on assembling the plane and I am very glad I did.  When assembling the plane many parts require CA glue, basically super glue.  Well when it comes to RC plane building there are various types of CA glue which I wasn’t really aware of.

They have thin, medium and thick varieties, each used for different situations.  They also have CA accelerator which you spray on something to be or already has been glued to greatly reduce the curing time.

However the most valuable CA glue tip I discovered via the video was that there is a type of CA specifically designed for EPP foam planes like the Tuffwing.  If you use normal CA glue on EPP foam it MELTS IT.  I can only imagine my reaction if I started gluing the plane together only to have the fuselage start melting away.  So, I ordered foam safe CA glue yesterday which should arrive soon.  Once it does my build can begin in earnest.

Yesterday my gym was closed because of construction.  As planned I headed up to the 4th floor of the parking garage to do my workout.  I will cover the workout more over in Dufisthenics but let’s just say it was challenging, with me netting a total of 620 reps in 30 minutes. I was joined on the 4th floor by a woman that was running laps around the same deck.  She said 20 laps around equals 3.8 miles.

1003516_10152416222652841_142828268_n[1]I picked up the dogs last night on the way home.  While I was outside walking around with them I saw we had a beautiful sunset going on so I grabbed my phone and snapped several pics.  Beautiful sunsets are very commonplace where I live.  I don’t take the time to appreciate them as much as I should.

When we were inside I called Nicki back to the bedroom to see her new luxurious bed.  Sadie was first to see/smell the bed.  When Nicki saw it she abandoned her normal caution she utilizes with anything new, seeing Sadie sniffing about the bed must have made a difference.

Nicki got right on top of the bed and sat on it with what seemed to be a “This is MY bed” attitude, letting Sadie know the real deal.  I look forward to seeing how she likes it during the dogs extended stay this weekend.

933975_10152416295457841_608758975_n[1]My Google AdSense 2.0 account (well technically my mom’s) is starting to build up steam.  It got an unexpected $40 pop the other day, pushing the account total up to $120.  My mom had just gotten a $150 payout from them at the end of June.  To already roll back over the payout threshold in August is pretty sweet.

It seems like they track the dollars differently than they used to.  When I look at my adsense account from day to day it appears to just show banner ad related revenue and then right around the middle of the month the YouTube dollars get dumped in.  They way it worked before I thought I was seeing the YT money on a daily basis as well.  Regardless, it looks like the effort I put into rebuilding my AdSense account from rubble is finally paying off.  It’s not a fortune but it is a nice little bump in mom’s account every once in awhile.  Who doesn’t like free money?

Tonight I am playing the lottery but not like you may think.  Our fantasy football league is having a draft lottery get together tonight after work.  Basically you pull team names out of a hat to determine the order they will draft players next week at the league draft which is once again going to be held out at my house.

This is the 8th year of the league and I have never attended the draft lottery. Perhaps coincidentally my draft position most years is normally pretty poor.  It should be a good time and allow me to drink a few beers to commemorate the new chapter in my personal book of life that just started.