A Pinch of Pumpkin

I had a running club meeting last night.  It was made more enjoyable since it was held at South Street, my favorite local bar.  I got there ahead of everyone else and sat down at the bar.  At first I figured I would order one of my “normal” beer choices like Miller Lite, Bud Light or maybe even a Shocktop (a recent addition).  I just happened to be sitting next to the beer taps.  I saw that they had a beer on tap called Atom, a pumpkin beer, surely a specialty item for the upcoming Halloween season.  I decided to give it a try, I never have had a pumpkin beer despite hearing positive feedback from others about them.

The beer wasn’t bad, the taste of pumpkin was faint but definitely there.  I didn’t check but it felt like the alcohol content of the pumpkin beer was pretty high.  I only had two beers total and was feeling “happy”.  The meeting went fine.  After it was done I hung around for a little bit to shoot the breeze with a couple of the guys.  I was home by around 8:30.

I totally forgot that we are officially now in fall.  In SW Florida there is no significant change in the weather patterns for another month or so, meaning the changing of season is a non-event.  Right now every day is still hot, humid, with some degree of rain most days.  I am really yearning for the 70-75 degree winter days to come sooner rather than later.

It is also amazing that September 25th is here already.  The pages of the calendar flip so fast for me anymore it is dizzying.  In the blink of an eye it is going to be Christmas, sheesh.

I’m not feeling much literary inspiration today.