Make the call, eating trigger, 30 minutes of WoW

So yesterday I received an email from Network Solutions regarding renewing my domain name which has been in existence since 1997.  I clicked on the RENEW NOW link and was shocked at the dollar figure that flashed up on the screen, something like $185 to renew for 5 years.   When I broke it down was something ridiculous like $37 or $38 a year.

Now I knew that this is a common tactic of domain registrars, get you signed up with an attractive up front rate but then turn the screws on you when renewal time comes around, figuring many people will just pay the extra money instead of deal with the hassle of switching registrars.  Well I am not one of those people.  I picked up the phone and called their 800 number.  I told the woman on the phone that I just received my renewal bill and thought it was outrageously high, much higher than when I renewed 5 years ago.

Well that was all it took to get a nearly 50% discount, the woman said I could renew the domain at the same rate I paid in 2008, $99.  That was good enough for me although I could have still transferred to another registrar and saved even more money.  I was content to pay what I paid before and not have to go through moving the domain around.

This was just the latest of countless examples I have personally experienced where discounts and deals are there for the taking, all you have to do is ask for them.

Last night I sat down and watched the Homeland season premiere for the second night in a row.  When I watched it Monday night I was half passed out and missed huge chunks of it.  I am glad I took the time to watch it again, lots of fuzzy details became much more clear.

I had eaten my dinner while watching Homeland, finishing up with a Zone bar a little before 7.  I had planned for this to be the end of my eating for the night to assist in my goal of dropping a handful of pounds.  Well I pulled out my Blade MQX and did some flying/crashing, with an emphasis on crashing.  The copter was very difficult to control, more so than normal.  It did not want to hover in place, it would just keep drifting in various directions. It was frustrating me.

Well this frustration triggered a “must eat” reflex, I suddenly felt very hungry. Now I know this feeling was entirely caused by frustration and if I waited 5-10 minutes it would probably pass. I went ahead and poured myself a bowl of mini-wheats anyway and gobbled them down.  Doing so made me feel weak and disappointed in myself for not exercising more self discipline.

I messed around more with X-split and using it to capture and broadcast stuff on my computer.  Last night I used it to capture roughly a half hour of WoW play although I need to use larger video windows of both the game and my webcam feed.  You may find this interesting to watch or mind numbingly boring depending on your point of view on MMORPG’s.

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