Surgeon General Warning

I think that they need to include a surgeon general style warning next to the Vine app. – VINE MAY BE EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE AND COULD BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH

Last night was crazy.  After doing an in costume, BB challenge attempt, the majority of my evening was entangled in Vine, both making my own and watching others.  I now have 20+ Vines, all created in less than 48 hours.  By the end of the night I had a headache and eyestrain. I ended my evening watching YouTube Vine compilations through the new tv’s built in YouTube app.

I even took the time to make my first compilation video. Unfortunately there are another 5 or 6 Vines that have already been produced since it’s creation. Warning, there is some extreme and random strangeness included.

I remember when I first started seeing Vines come out months ago and clearly thinking, what a stupid, stupid idea.  Six second videos, I mean yea I know we live in an increasingly ADD world but what exactly can you get out of a 6 six second video?  Well as has been the case many times in my life, I was wrong.  It turns out 6 seconds is plenty of time to pull out many, many laughs.  With a video that short there is no time for boredom, it’s straight to the punch line.

What is truly addicting is when you tie a bunch of Vines together, instead of a long set up you are getting jolted with one funny scene after another.  When I watch a Vine compilation on YouTube I use viewing habits opposite of the norm.  Typically the longer a YouTube video is, the less likely I am to want to view it.  However with Vine comps, I want them long, the longer the better.

The phone app for Vine is equally addicting.  From the touch/release – start/stop recording UI to the scroll to play viewing window the app makes it ridiculously easy to get lost in an endless stream of 6 second fixes.   And it really is fix, last night I literally felt like an addict, putting off various chores until late in the night just so I could watch/make just one more Vine.

Generally speaking, I have a routine oriented but not addictive personality.  When something grabs me hard I am typically aware of it and will always work my way back towards a more balanced state.  However right now, it’s all Vine, all the time.

hhangbothToday/tonight is Halloween.  I have my bag of candy that noone will get by the door on the remote chance a trick or treater happens to shuffle up my driveway.  The odds are very slim.  I think the last time it happened I was in my 30’s.  At least I was thinking ahead, buying mini-bags of MM’s that can be utilized for future movie theater sessions.

Tonight I am acting like it is Friday, stopping for groceries after work and attending to other matters typically reserved for a Friday, like Vines…..